Special Interest Groups
ISPOR members initiate and participate in special interest groups to advance health economic and outcomes research and the use of this research in healthcare decisions. Special interest groups develop valuable tools and manuscripts for the global heath economic outcome research audience. Membership is open to all ISPOR members..
Task Forces
Task forces develop ISPOR’s Good Practices Reports, which are highly cited expert consensus guidance recommendations that set international standards for outcomes research and its use in healthcare decision making. All Good Practices Reports are published in the Society’s scientific journal, Value in Health, and are made freely available as part of the Society’s mission.
Councils & Roundtables
Councils serve as advisory bodies to the ISPOR Board of Directors. Roundtables provide a forum for healthcare stakeholders to interact and engage in discussions on key issues.
Global Groups
Global engagement groups promote regional development of the HEOR discipline in support of the Society’s mission. Global groups include the Asia Consortium, Central and Eastern Europe Consortium, Latin America Consortium, Africa Network, Arabic Network, and more than 85 chapters around the world.
New Professionals
The New Professionals Network is designed to help develop future leaders in HEOR. The network is available to former student members and to new members who are recent graduates of HEOR-related programs with 3 years or less experience in the field.