To stimulate research and evaluation on issues related to medication adherence, treatment persistence, and implications for health outcomes.
Medication non-adherence has a significant impact on patients’ morbidity and mortality. Behavioral interventions have been developed to improve medication adherence. Adherence research requires an understanding about the best methodology to conduct studies especially when assessing interventions. Adherence studies include various designs such as: randomized controlled clinical trials, observational, and quasi-experimental studies. The Medication Adherence and Persistence Special Interest Group will develop good research practice recommendations for the conduct of medication adherence and treatment persistence research studies and will provide insight, through systematic reviews of the medication adherence literature, on interventions that improve medication adherence.
Manuscripts & Reports
- Ágh T, Hiligsmann M, Borah B, et al. Systematic Review of Outcomes for Assessment of Medication Adherence Enhancing Interventions: An ISPOR Special Interest Group Report. Value in Health. 2024;(27)2:133-142.
- Pednekar PP, Ágh T, Malmenäs M, et al. Methods for Measuring Multiple Medication Adherence: A Systematic Review–Report of the ISPOR Medication Adherence and Persistence Special Interest Group. Value in Health. 2019;22(2):139-156.
- Pednekar P, Malmenas M, Agh T, et al. Measuring Multiple Medication Adherence–Which Measure When? Value & Outcomes Spotlight. 2017;3(6):17-20.
- Hutchins DS, Zeber JE, Roberts CS, Williams AF, Manias E, Peterson AM. Initial Medication Adherence—Review and Recommendations for Good Practices in Outcomes Research: An ISPOR Medication Adherence and Persistence Special Interest Group Report. Value in Health. 2015;18(5):690-699.
- Zeber JE, Manias E, Williams AF, et al. A Systematic Literature Review of Psychosocial and Behavioral Factors Associated with Initial Medication Adherence: A Report of the ISPOR Medication Adherence & Persistence Special Interest Group. Value in Health. 2013;16(5):891-900.
More Manuscripts & Reports
- Cramer JA, Roy A, Burrell A, et al. Medication Compliance and Persistence: Terminology and Definitions. Value in Health. 2008;11(1):44-47.
- Elliott RA, Shinogle JA, Peele P, Bhosle M, Hughes DA. Understanding Medication Compliance and Persistence from an Economics Perspective. Value in Health. 2008;11(4):600-610.
- Peterson AM, Nau DP, Cramer JA, Benner J, Gwadry-Sridhar F, Nichol M. A Checklist for Medication Compliance and Persistence Studies Using Retrospective Databases. Value in Health. 2007;10(1):3-12.
- Author’s Reply: Pednekar PP, Ágh T, Malmenäs M, et al. Methods for Measuring Multiple Medication Adherence: A Systematic Review–Report of the ISPOR Medication Adherence and Persistence Special Interest Group. Value in Health. 2020;23(3):407-8.
- Hiligsmann M, Salas M, Hughes DA, Manias E, Gwadry-Sridhar FH, Linck P, Cowell W. Interventions to improve osteoporosis medication adherence and persistence: a systematic review and literature appraisal by the ISPOR Medication Adherence & Persistence Special Interest Group. Osteoporos Int. 2013 Dec;24(12):2907-18
- Gwadry-Sridhar FH, Manias E, Lal L, et al. Impact of Interventions on Medication Adherence and Blood Pressure Control in Patients with Essential Hypertension: A Systematic Review by the ISPOR Medication Adherence and Persistence Special Interest Group. Value in Health. 2013;16(5):863-871.
- Gwadry-Sridhar FH, Manias E, Zhang Y, et al. A framework for planning and critiquing medication compliance and persistence research using prospective study designs. Clin Ther 2009;31:421-35.
- Salas M, Hughes D, Zuluaga A, Vardeva K, Lebmeier M. Costs of Medication Nonadherence in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus: A Systematic Review and Critical Analysis of the Literature. Value in Health. 2009;12(6):915-922.
- Hughes D, Cowell W, Koncz T, Cramer J. Methods for Integrating Medication Compliance and Persistence in Pharmacoeconomic Evaluations. Value in Health. 2007;10(6):498-509.
- ISPOR Europe 2024: Current Regulations and Best Practices for Defining, Measuring, and Reporting Medication Adherence in Clinical Trials
- ISPOR 2023: Who Should Pay for Medication Adherence Enhancing Interventions and What Are They Paying for?
- Europe 2022: Health Technology Assessment and Reimbursement of Medication Adherence Enhancing Interventions
- Europe 2022: Criteria for Value Assessment of Medication Adherence-Enhancing Interventions: Preliminary Results of a Systematic Review
- Virtual ISPOR 2021: Medication Adherence Enhancing Interventions - Criteria Used for Value Assessment
Mickaël Hiligsmann, PhD
Past Chair
Tamas Agh, MSc, PhD, MD
Bijan Borah, MSc, PhD
Working Groups:
Member Engagement
Lina Eliasson, PhD, BSc
Dweeti Nayak, MS
Priti Pednekar, MS, BS, PhD
Elizabeth Unni, MBA, PhD
Key Project
Criteria for the value assessment for medication adherence-enhancing interventions (MAEI)
PROSPERO registration number CRD42021242934
Background and Objectives for Key Project
Medication non-adherence is prevalent across all clinical conditions causing major medical and economic challenges. Although several studies have demonstrated that medication adherence enhancing interventions (MAEIs) may improve outcomes, existing evidence on the effectiveness of MAEIs is of poor quality. Important policy decisions about MAEIs are currently based on inadequate information.
Evidence suggests that the number of economic evaluations investigating MAEIs is limited, and the overall quality of existing analyses is modest. Increased medication adherence is generally associated with increased effectiveness of the therapy but does not have a consistent relationship with costs.
This project aims to systematically identify relevant criteria for the value assessment of MAEIs by considering the perspectives of various types of stakeholders, including payers, healthcare providers, industry, academia and patients.
Tamas Agh, MSc, PhD, MD
Bijan Borah, MSc, PhD
Mickaël Hiligsmann, PhD
Questions or ideas? Please send an email.