
ISPOR Regional Networks are groups within the Society of Regional Chapters from different countries, who share a common language or geographic location. They represent Regional Chapter members interested in HEOR and its use in health care policies and decisions.

Regional Networks support ISPOR by advancing the ISPOR mission in the region through member engagement and ensuring effective Chapters. Working with ISPOR staff, the Network leaders will contribute to the development of market-driven and sustainable regional conferences and education events. Reporting to the Global Engagement Council, that in turn reports to the ISPOR Board of Directors, the Network leadership develops a Work Plan and submits Annual Reports on its implementation. Designated Network members liaise with the ISPOR Health Science Policy Council Committees, the Education Council, HTA Council, Institutional Council, and others as determined.   

An ISPOR Network supports the vision, goal, and the mission statement of the Society and:

  • Contributes to organizing successful ISPOR events (Annual Meeting, European Congress, Regional meetings);
  • Supports implementation of ISPOR Governance Initiatives and fulfils Network governance protocols;
  • Supports ISPOR membership growth and Chapter participation strategy. Organize at least 1 joint event with participation of two or more ISPOR Chapters from the region;     
  • Participates in ISPOR capacity building and training initiatives to support volunteer leadership;   
  • Encourages publication in the ISPOR journals (at least one publication) and shares relevant scientific, policy development, member engagement information from the ISPOR Network/Chapters via ISPOR communication channels


ISPOR regions are designated as a Network in economically developing regions. Networks will be established and supported once a region has 7 Chapters which have been fully compliant for three consecutive years. 

Requirements Participation as a leader in a Network Committee is limited to full ISPOR members. Committee members must be Chapter members.

ISPOR Regional Network Organizational Structure

ISPOR Network governance is supported by an Executive Committee and may also include up to 3 Committees described below.

ISPOR Regional Network Executive Committee


The Consortium/Network Executive Committee is the policy and decision-making body and supports ISPOR’s strategic vision for the region.

Roles & Responsibilities

The Executive Committee approves, directs, and evaluates Consortium/Network projects proposed by other Consortium/Network Committees to ensure the successful development, production, dissemination, and impact of initiatives by:

  • Reviewing and providing guidance on new and ongoing initiatives that advance ISPOR’s mission and vision.
  • Proposing strategies for developing, improving and/or attracting quality and strategic deliverables for the region.
  • Promoting awareness and understanding of the ISPOR Consortium/Network’s work across the ISPOR membership, and beyond ISPOR.
  • Facilitating ISPOR activities in the region that fulfill ISPOR’s mission and vision.
  • Providing an annual report and work plan of Consortium/Network activities to the Global Engagement Council.
  • Promoting cross-collaboration between all Consortium/Network Committees.
  • Working with ISPOR staff to ensure appropriate ISPOR governance support and implementation.
  • Approving recommendations for Chairs of Consortia/Network Committees.
The Executive Committee is led by the Chair. The Chair presides over all meetings of the Executive Committee; represents the Committee when called upon; provides an Annual Report and Work Plan of Consortium/Network-wide activities/initiatives to the Global Engagement Council to be presented in person to the ISPOR the Board of Directors (in May). In addition, the Chair serves on the Global Engagement Council and names a designee to serves on the Science/Research Committee and Policy Outlook Committee of the Health Science Policy Council.

Responsibilities of the Chair-elect are to preside over meetings of the Executive Committee in the absence of the Chair; and assist the Chair with the Executive Committee responsibilities.


The Executive Committee consists of:

  • Chair, Chair-elect and immediate Past Chair of the Executive Committee.
  • Presidents of ISPOR Regional Chapters or designee. 
  • Chairs of the Committees and Value in Health Issues (VIHRI) Associate Editor-in-Chief (with relevant VIHRI issue responsibility). 


The Executive Committee will recommend a Chair-elect to be approved by the ISPOR Board. The Chair-elects serve two years, two years as Chair, and two years as Past Chair. The position of Chair cannot be held for more than 2 consecutive terms. 

The Executive Committee Chair may not Chair any other ISPOR Councils or Committees or serve as a Chapter President. 


All members of the Executive Committee must be full ISPOR members. The Chair-elect should have experience in a leadership role in a Consortia, Network, or Chapter. The Chair and Chair-elect must reside in a country in the region.  


Committees meet at least twice a year virtually or in a face-to-face meeting at an ISPOR International Meeting, European Congress, or Regional ISPOR event.


Committee members serve terms consistent with the terms of their leadership position.

Term of the Chair and Chair-elect are 2 years. The Chair-elect then becomes the Chair, and the Chair then serve 2 years as the Past Chair. Terms of service for a Chair and Chair-elect is July 1-June 30 unless otherwise indicated.

ISPOR Regional Network Research Committee

The Research Committee designs and engages in projects that enhance the science of the health economics and outcomes research (clinical, economic, and patient-reported outcomes) and lead to improvements in the health care system in the region. The Committee facilitates the development and update of ISPOR Global Health Care Systems Roadmap, provides updates to ISPOR PE Guidelines (where applicable) and is a contact point on the regional research questions for ISPOR inquiries.

ISPOR Regional Network Education Committee

The Education Committees encourages, facilitates, and promotes ISPOR educational programs in the region and supports information sharing within ISPOR on the educational activities of regional members.

ISPOR Regional Network Publication Committee

The Publication Committee promotes the science of health economics and outcomes research in the region by producing the Consortium newsletters and working with ISPOR editors and staff in securing regional content for publication in Value in Health, Value in Health Issues and Value & Outcomes Spotlight.

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