To develop leaders in health economics and outcomes research through collaboration with vibrant, purposeful, and inspired ISPOR student chapters
To support ISPOR student members' professional development by providing learning experiences, networking opportunities, and continuity to the student chapters
As an advisory council to the ISPOR Board of Directors, council members facilitate the educational and professional development of students worldwide in pharmacoeconomics/health economics and outcomes research
Responsibilities of the Faculty Advisor:
- To assist ISPOR student members with career development and connect them with professionals and students from other chapters who will help further their career goals
- To recommend courses and other educational training dedicated to developing
- To nurture and develop student members’ leadership skills by supporting their efforts and providing mentorship at various levels
- To help student members identify opportunities for teaching, service, research, and publications, based on their interests
- To identify experts in health economics and outcomes research to present key topics to the student chapter
- To advocate for and promote the ISPOR student chapter at the University
- To ensure students provide timely responses to ISPOR (e.g. officer information and annual report)
- To oversee election of ISPOR student chapter officers at the university
- To encourage students to participate in ISPOR Conferences worldwide and provide information on ISPOR and university travel resources
ISPOR Faculty Advisor Council – Professional Development Focus Group
ISPOR Faculty Advisor Council - Member Engagement Focus Group

Julia F. Slejko, PhD

Annesha White, MS, PharmD, PhD

Askal Ayalew Ali, PhD, BA, MA

Bradley Martin, PharmD, RPh, PhD
Past Chair: