
The task force’s goal is to improve the evaluation and documentation of content validity and other measurement properties including reliability, construct validity, and ability to detect change for PerfO assessments and to provide detailed recommended good practices for clinical trial implementation, allowing for more precise and reliable measurement and interpretation of treatment benefit. The task force reports will address PerfO assessments of physical function (e.g., mobility), cognitive function (e.g., working memory) or cognition-dependent function (e.g., instrumental activities of daily living), and sensory function (e.g., low contrast visual acuity). While PerfO assessments may also be used for diagnostic purposes and in clinical practice, these uses are outside the task force’s scope, which is focused on their use as outcome measures in clinical trials.


Very little has been published on evaluating content validity and measurement properties of PerfO assessments especially in the context of drug (or device) labeling. This task force will be providing guidance on a topic where interest is growing due to its use in rare diseases and cognitively impaired populations. It is crucial that good measurement practices are developed and refined to optimize their development and use.


Elizabeth (Nicki) Bush

Global Head, Endpoint Strategy and COA Measurement, OPEN Health
Zionsville, IN, United States

Chris Edgar, MSc, PhD

London, United States

Leadership Group

Heather Adams, PhD

Associate Professor, University of Rochester Medical Center
Rochester, NY, United States

Alexandra Atkins

Eli Lilly & Company
Indianapolis, IN, United States

Rachel Ballinger, PhD, BSc

Principal, ICON
Oxford, United Kingdom

Bill Byrom, PhD, BSc

Vice President of Product Strategy and Innovation, Signant Health
Nottingham, NTT, United Kingdom

Michelle Campbell, PhD

Associate Director for Stakeholder Engagement and Clinical Outcomes, Division of Neurology Products, Office of New Drugs (OND), CDER, US Food and Drug Administration
Silver Spring, MD, United States

Stephen Joel Coons, PhD

Senior Advisor, Critical Path Institute
Koloa, HI, United States

Heather Dickerson

Outcomes Researcher, Icon Clinical Research LLC
Cary, NC, United States

Sonya Eremenco, MA

Executive Director, PRO Consortium, Critical Path Institute
Tucson, AZ, United States

Naomi Knoble, MS, PhD, MEd

Research Scientist
Bethesda, MD, United States

Fiona McDougall, Mphil, PhD, BSc

Senior Director, Patient Centered Outcomes Research, Genentech
South San Francisco, CA, United States

Elektra Papadopoulos, MD, MPH

Director, Patient Experience Data & Strategy in Immunology and Oncology, AbbVie
Gaithersburg, MD, United States

Ashley Slagle, MS, PhD

Principal, Scientific and Regulatory Consulting, Aspen Consulting, LLC
Steamboat Springs, CO, United States

Kevin Weinfurt, PhD

Interim Chair of Department of Population Health Sciences, Department of Population Health Sciences
Durham, NC, United States

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