Award Background

The ISPOR Marilyn Dix Smith Leadership Award recognizes an individual who has shown consistent, broad, and meaningful direction to the Society in a leadership role. The award is international in scope and stature. As a member-driven Society, ISPOR is committed to identifying, supporting, and developing leadership in the field of HEOR.

The award is named to honor the Society’s Founding Executive Director, Marilyn Dix Smith, whose leadership and vision developed ISPOR into the leading global Society in the field. 


  • The recipient of this award will have shown consistent, broad, and meaningful direction to ISPOR in a leadership role.
  • Current and past presidents are not eligible for the leadership award during their term as president-elect, president, and past president.
  • In addition to their service, this individual will have gone beyond the requirements of their position(s), showing true vision and commitment that has made a lasting and positive impact on the Society.
  • Current and future members of ISPOR will have a richer experience as a result of this individual’s actions.
  • Nominees must be a member of ISPOR in good standing for at least 5 years.
  • Self-nominations are discouraged.
  • Deceased persons are not eligible for the award. However, should the recipient die prior to receiving the award, it may be presented posthumously.
  • A candidate may only be nominated for 1 major ISPOR award in a year.


Nomination Process:

Nominations may be made by any ISPOR member. Members may nominate more than 1 person. All nominations must include: a letter of recommendation indicating the reason for nomination; the nominee’s contribution to the Society and its mission; and the nominee's curriculum vitae.


Nature of the Award:

The recipient will receive the award at the Awards Ceremony at the ISPOR Conference. The recipient will receive the following: 

  • A complimentary registration to the ISPOR Conference
  • Travel and Accommodation expenses to the ISPOR Conference, per the ISPOR Travel Reimbursement policy


Marilyn Dix Smith Leadership Award Lead

Daniel Mullins, PhD

Marilyn Dix Smith Leadership Award Recipients

Professor and Svare Chair in Health Economics, Value and Impact, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta

2024 - Deborah A Marshall, PhD

Dr Marshall is a Professor and Svare Chair in Health Economics, Value and Impact, Cumming School of Medicine, University of Calgary. Her applied research program assesses the value and impact of health services using health economics, socioeconomic benefits, patient preferences research for national and international research programs in precision health and patient-oriented research, particularly in child health and rare disease. 

She supports embedded research fellows as the Nominated Principal Applicant of the CIHR Health Systems Impact Fellowship National Cohort Training Program to advance capacity for sustainable and patient-centered learning health systems across Canada”. She is a founding co-investigator of the innovative Patient and Community Engagement Research (PaCER) program at the University of Calgary which trains patients to design and conduct health research, using specific adapted methods of qualitative inquiry.

Dr Marshall is a former ISPOR President and former member of the ISPOR Board of Directors. She remains an active member of ISPOR, Task Forces and SIGs.

Professor, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA

2023 - Shelby D. Reed, PhD

Shelby D. Reed, PhD, is Professor in the Departments of Population Health Sciences and Medicine at Duke University’s School of Medicine.  She is the director of the Center for Informing Health Decisions at the Duke Clinical Research Institute.  She also is core faculty at the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy and an affiliate member at the Duke Cancer Institute.

Shelby has 25 years of experience in health economics, health preferences and health policy research, with more than 200 published manuscripts. Shelby has been an active member of ISPOR for over 20 years. She was the first recipient of ISPOR's Bernie O’Brien New Investigator Award in 2005.  She was elected to ISPOR’s Board of Directors in 2009. She served as President of ISPOR in 2017-2018 when she helped to establish ISPOR’s Women in HEOR Initiative. Most recently, she served as Chair of the Health Sciences Policy Council from 2019 to 2021.

Adjunct Professor, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada

2022 - Don Husereau, MSc, BScPharm

Don Husereau is an Adjunct Professor of Medicine at the University of Ottawa and a recognized expert in HTA for over 20 years. He is a freelance healthcare researcher and works with private and public sector life sciences organizations to help them understand the value of health technology and its implications for health and innovation policy.

Center for Health Technology Assessment, Semmelweis University; Syreon Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary

2021 - Zoltán Kaló, PhD, MD

Zoltán Kaló, PhD, MD, is a Professor of Health Economics at the Center for Health Technology Assessment of Semmelweis University in Budapest, Hungary. Before 2019 he was the co-director of an international master program in Health Policy, Planning and Financing at Eötvös Loránd University. 

Dr. Kaló is also the leader of Syreon Research Institute, an international research corporation specializing in health policy, health economic modeling and technology assessment. 

He has 25 years of international experience in academia and industry with important contribution to healthcare financing, HTA implementation, health economics and outcomes research, patient access and pricing policies of healthcare technologies.
Dr. Kaló serves as a policy advisor to public decision-makers and global health care corporations. He is a Scientific Committee member of the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (IMI). He was as ISPOR Board Member between 2012-2014, and Chair of ISPOR Central and Eastern European Network Executive Committee between 2013-2015.

2019 - Marilyn Dix Smith Leadership Award Winner  - Josephine Mauskopf

RTI Health Solutions, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA

2019 - Josephine Mauskopf, PhD

Josephine Mauskopf, PhD, is Vice President of Health Economics at RTI Health Solutions. She has over 30 years of experience both as a consultant and within the pharmaceutical industry designing and implementing health economic research strategies for prevention and treatment of infectious diseases, psychiatric illness, and neurologic diseases. She has been an active member of ISPOR since its beginning. She has presented posters, podiums, workshops, and issues panels regularly at the international and European conferences. She served as Editor-in-Chief for Value in Health from 2002 to 2010. She cochaired 3 ISPOR task forces, 2 for budget impact analysis and 1 for economic evaluation of vaccination programs and served on the CHEERS Task Force. The Budget Impact Analysis Task Force Report and related publications have served as the basis for country-specific guidelines. With other ISPOR members, she developed and presented a premeeting course on budget impact analysis that has trained many ISPOR attendees. She served on the ISPOR Board of Directors from 2014 to 2016.


Professor, Faculty of Health Sciences,
University of Southern Denmark,
Odense, Denmark

2018 - Finn Børlum Kristensen, PhD, MD

Finn Børlum Kristensen, PhD, MD, has been a professor in Health Services Research and HTA at Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Southern Denmark since 1999. Finn headed the Coordinating Secretariat of the European Network for HTA, EUnetHTA ( from its inception in 2006 and was Chairman of the EUnetHTA Executive Committee until 2016. Finn was head of Danish Centre for HTA (DACEHTA) at the Danish Health Authority from its establishment 1997-2009. His PhD is in Epidemiology and he is a medical specialist in public health. He also worked as a primary care physician for several years. He publishes frequently in scientific journals and was Editor of a Health Technology Assessment Handbook. Dr. Kristensen was Chairman of International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) 2003-06 and was elected to the ISPOR Board of Directors from 2011-13 and has chaired the ISPOR HTA Council since 2013.


Professor & Chair Pharmaceutical Health Services Research,
University of Maryland School of Pharmacy,
Baltimore, MD, USA

2017 - C. Daniel Mullins, PhD

C. Daniel Mullins, PhD, is a professor and chair of the Pharmaceutical Health Services Research Department at the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy. He directs the University of Maryland PATient-centered Involvement in Evaluating effectiveNess of TreatmentS (PATIENTS) Program, which is an infrastructure to support patient-centered outcomes research and related training activities. He has received funding as a principal investigator from the National Institutes of Health’s (NIH) National Institute on Aging and National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ), and the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute. Dan was also the Shared Resources Core Director for the NIH-sponsored University of Maryland Center for Health Disparities Research, Training, and Outreach. He has served as a regular member of AHRQ and National Cancer Institute’s study sections and has chaired PCORI study sections. Dan is one of the Co-Editors-in-Chief for Value in Health and is author/co-author of more than 200 peer-reviewed articles. He has received an Outstanding Service Award from the Drug Information Association and two Service Awards from the International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). In 2007, he received the Dr. Patricia Sokolove Outstanding Mentor Award from the University of Maryland, Baltimore campus-wide Graduate Student Association. In 2013, he was the recipient of the Dr. Daniel D. Savage Memorial Science Award, the Association of Black Cardiologists’ most prestigious annual award. Also in 2013, he was awarded a University System of Maryland Wilson H. Elkins Professorship. He was named Researcher of the Year in 2014 and received the Martin Luther King Faculty Diversity Award in 2017 for the University of Maryland Baltimore campus.


Chief Scientist at Evidera


2016 - Jaime Caro, MDCM, FRCPC, FACP

Jaime Caro is Chief Scientist at Evidera, where he advances Evidera's leadership in developing and applying novel techniques in Modeling, Health Economics, Comparative Effectiveness, Epidemiology, and Outcomes Research. Dr. Caro trained at McGill University, where he practiced internal medicine and continues as adjunct Professor of Medicine, as well as of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. He established the graduate-level course in pharmacoeconomics, which he continues to direct and also lends his teaching ability to other academic institutions such as Thomas Jefferson University School of Population Health and the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences.

Dr. Caro continues to pioneer new methodologies. Recently, he has developed a new modeling technique, DICE simulation, tailored to problems in Health Technology Assessment. Previously, Dr. Caro adapted an engineering technique – discrete event simulation – to model diseases and their treatment. This innovation has been extended further to simulate the design of clinical trials and other types of studies. This has been particularly effective in helping design pragmatic clinical trials. He has also applied the technique to provide comparative effectiveness information in the absence of head-to-head trials in a new method called Simulated Treatment Comparison. On behalf of the German government, he proposed an innovative approach to the assessment of health technologies. This method, involving the efficiency frontier provides an alternative to the well-known cost per QALY technique and avoids many of the latter’s problems.

Given this trailblazing experience in modeling methods, Dr. Caro was asked to lead the Modeling Task Force, jointly sponsored by ISPOR and the Society for Medical Decision Making, to produce the new guidelines for good modeling practices. This has resulted in 7 papers covering topics from the design, through the building and populating, to the validation of models. In addition, he is the Chair of the ISPOR/AMCP/NPC Task Force that produced a tool for the quality assessment of models. Dr. Caro has been helping the World Bank Institute and the InterAmerican Court for Human Rights address the growing problem of Supreme Courts overriding health care system decisions and ordering them to provide treatments that had been considered unwarranted. He has also been assisting governments in Latin America and elsewhere with implementation of HTA processes, bringing to bear newer techniques such as MCDA.


Vice President, Celgene Corporation,
Summit, New Jersey, USA

2015 - Zeba M. Khan, RPh, PhD

Dr. Zeba Khan joined Celgene Corporation as Vice President of Global Pricing and Market Access and established the function in 2008. She led the development and implementation of pricing, health economics, outcomes research, and market access strategies and policies for all therapeutic areas. In 2012, she established the public policy function and is currently Vice President of Corporate Responsibility. Prior to joining Celgene, Zeba held various leadership positions at Novartis including Global Head of Pricing and Health Economics, CVM in Basel, Switzerland, and Head of U.S. Pricing Strategy and Policy in East Hanover, New Jersey, as well as Healthcare Management/Managed Markets and Health Economics and Outcomes Research at GlaxoSmithKline.

Zeba has a reputation of outstanding leadership and dedicated service to ISPOR for nearly 20 years. She was instrumental in the formation of the ISPOR Student Network, was the first ISPOR Student Network Faculty Advisor since its inception in 2000, and has continued to serve in this capacity for nearly 15 years. She served as a co-chair of the ISPOR Short Course Committee from 2004 to 2010 and past chair from 2010 to 2012. Zeba has served on the ISPOR Board of Directors from 2008 to 2010, re-joined the Board in 2013, and is currently ISPOR Treasurer. She is chair of the ISPOR Finance Committee and member of the Audit Committee. Zeba is a member of the ISPOR Rare Diseases Special Interest Group and co-chair of the ISPOR Defining Rare Diseases and Challenges Working Group. She has served on the ISPOR Vision 2005 Committee, Vision 2020 Education Workgroup, Program and Planning Committee, Fellowship Committee, and Awards Committee, and is an active member of the ISPOR Institutional Council. Zeba's dedication, service, and leadership to ISPOR have been recognized with numerous Distinguished Service awards.

Zeba serves as Chair of the Board of Directors for the New Jersey Crossroads Chapter of the American Red Cross and is an adjunct assistant professor at the Ernest Mario School of Pharmacy at Rutgers University.


Eckerd/Turley Centennial Professor of Pharmacy,
The University of Texas College of Pharmacy

2014 - Karen L Rascati, PhD

Karen L Rascati, PhD, is the Eckerd/Turley Centennial Professor of Pharmacy at The University of Texas College of Pharmacy.  Dr. Rascati has supervised 42 MS and 25 PhD graduate student projects, and has authored or co-authored more than 100 publications (including five textbook chapters and two editions of her textbook Essentials of Pharmacoeconomics) and over 200 national/international meeting presentations.  Dr. Rascati started (and continues to serve as faculty advisor for) the first ISPOR student chapter at The University of Texas in 1998 and was chair of the ISPOR Faculty Advisory Committee from 2011 to 2013.  She served on the Board of Directors from 1991-2001, then transitioned to Chair of the Education Committee from 2001 to 2006.  In 2007 she was selected as Treasurer of ISPOR, serving two 3-year terms through 2013.  In addition, she served on three ISPOR vision committees.

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