ISPOR's New Science Strategy - A Member-Generated Roadmap of HEOR Priorities and Frontiers
ISPOR's Science Strategy is intended to guide ISPOR conference themes, task forces, initiatives, and other scientific activities over the next 3- 5 years to help meet the evolving needs of healthcare decision making. The Strategy provides direction in 8 different areas of HEOR science and application, covering most key areas of HEOR work while calling out specific areas of focus in each one. Based on a large set of topic suggestions from ISPOR member groups, the Strategy was synthesized and summarized by our Health Science Policy Council. <a class="button primary" href="https://www.ispor.org/conferences-education/education-training/webinars/webinar/ispors-new-science-strategy---a-member-generated-roadmap-of-heor-priorities-and-frontiers">Watch Here</a>
The Impact of COVID-19 in Healthcare: Challenges and Opportunities in Latin America
This webinar is designed to the ISPOR global focusing Latin America audience to learn the impact of COVID-19 in Latin America and way forward for the region’s health systems. The session will be addressing challenges for Latin America while strengthening and preparing health systems for future pandemics.
Learn how to understand the role of US healthcare decision makers with respect to access and reimbursement decisions; how the US system evolved; and, due to the diverse ways healthcare is provided, what evidence is used to support the adoption of pharmaceuticals. The course is designed for those having limited experience in understanding the structure of the US healthcare system and subsystems.
Esquemas de Acuerdo Administrado/Managed Entry Agreements (MEAs)
Introduction to Health Technology Assessment
This course introduces the key elements, methods, and language of health technology assessment (HTA) and provides an overview of basic HTA principles including benefit assessment, economic evaluation, and ethical, legal, and social implications. Using real-world examples covering drugs, devices and public health measures, we review the practical steps involved in developing/using HTA reports.
Challenges in Assessing the Clinical and Economic Value of Future Treatments for Alzheimer’s Disease
This webinar explores the debate around WTP thresholds, focusing specifically on risk aversion and social preferences for paying more for medicines that target severe diseases. The webinar considers recent advances in this area and discusses how value assessment frameworks can evolve to incorporate adjusted WTP Thresholds
Network Meta-Analysis in Relative Effectiveness Research
Network meta-analysis provides an integrated and unified method that incorporates all direct and indirect comparative evidence about treatments. Based in part on the ISPOR Task Force Reports on Indirect Treatment Comparisons, the fundamentals and concepts of network meta-analysis will be presented. This course requires at least a basic knowledge of meta-analysis and statistics.
Reimbursement Models and Value-Assessment Approaches in the Digital Health Ecosystem – Asia Pacific Perspectives
In this webinar, expert speakers will explore the current digital healthcare landscape in Asia Pacific including regulatory, value assessment and reimbursement aspects, as well as future directions.
Supporting COVID-19-Related Decision Making with Health Preference Research
This webinar will provide and overview of ongoing COVID-19-related preference studies, illustrate how preference methods can support our response to COVID-19, and highlight 3 specific examples from The Netherlands, France, and the UK. The webinar will include a discussion on the transferability of the study results to other countries and lessons learned for future COVID-19 preference research.
Introduction to Modeling Methods
This course gives a brief overview of different decision-analytic model types and provides an introduction to Markov modeling techniques and their practical application in economic evaluation and outcomes research.
Risk-Sharing/Performance-Based Arrangements in Central & Eastern Europe: Implementation of Managed Entry Agreements
This course is designed for health care professionals (including public decision-makers, academia and industry) involved in pricing and reimbursement decisions who are wishing to understand the applicability and technical aspects of managed entry agreements (MEAs) in countries with severe economic constraints and explicit cost-effectiveness criterion.
Budget Impact Analysis I: A 6-Step Approach
This course will describe the methods used to estimate the budget impact of a new health care technology, and will present six basic steps for estimating budget impact. These six steps will be illustrated using actual budget impact models. This course is designed for those with some experience with pharmacoeconomic analysis.
Biosimilars: Market Access Challenges & Opportunities Worldwide
This webinar will present an insightful exchange on best practices, challenges and opportunities for market access of biosimilars in different regions worldwide.
Introduction To The Design & Analysis of Observational Studies of Treatment Effects Using Retrospective Data Sources
This course is an introductory course designed to prepare participants to take intermediate and advanced observational research courses.
Introduction to Health Economics Outcomes Research
This course is designed to teach clinicians and new researchers how to incorporate health economics into study design and data analysis.
HEOR Webinars
Shaking the Myth of Real-World Evidence: Updates From the RWE Transparency Initiative
ISPOR is leading efforts in the area of RWE transparency in collaboration with ISPE, Duke Margolis and NPC. This session will provide updates from the initiative including progress on the study registration site and the special task force on RWE protocol templates.
The 4th Industrial Revolution, Digital Transformation and Patient Centricity: A Leadership View
In this presentation we will explore what the 4th Industrial Revolution is, how it impacts on the progressive movement towards digital transformation in our workplace. We will show that there is an inevitable convergence between the health ecosystem and the digital world.
Elements of Pharmaceutical/Biotech Pricing
This course is designed for individuals with intermediate experience within a single healthcare system wishing to broaden their appreciation of other reimbursement systems.
CHEERS II: Bold Directions for New Reporting Standards?
This webinar will discuss the rationale for the revision of the original Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards (CHEERS) reporting guidelines and outline directions for the new reporting standards, as suggested by a Delphi survey.