Jing Wu, PhD, Professor, School of Pharmaceutical Science and Technology, Tianjin University, China
Pharmacoeconomics plays a vital role in China’s healthcare such as promoting healthcare reforms and enhancing the efficiency of health resource allocation. In this backdrop, the annual conference of the Pharmacoeconomics Professional Committee of the Chinese Pharmaceutical Association (CPA), the 7th Pharmacoeconomics Young Scholar Forum, and the annual meeting of Pharmacoeconomics Professional Committee of Fujian Pharmaceutical Association were successfully held on 16-18 June 2023 in Fuzhou, China. This joint event was co-organized by the Pharmacoeconomics Professional Committee of CPA, ISPOR Beijing Chapter, the Pharmacoeconomics Professional Committee of Fujian Pharmaceutical Association, the Editorial Office of "Strait Pharmacy", and Fujian Medical University Union Hospital.
The annual conference of the Pharmacoeconomics Professional Committee of CPA has included six subforums and five forums for young scholars. The meeting of the Pharmacoeconomics Professional Committee of the Fujian Pharmaceutical Association offered two special topic sessions and online training courses. This joint conference has invited hundreds of domestic and international Pharmacoeconomics experts and scholars. There were over a thousand onsite participants and more than 30,000 virtual participations of online courses.
Dr Maobai Liu, Chairman of Fujian Pharmaceutical Association opened the joint conference and Dr Fenghong Qu, Vice Chairman of the Association, delivered a welcome speech. Professor Jing Wu from Tianjin University, Chair of the Pharmacoeconomics Professional Committee of the CPA presided over the plenary sessions. Professor Gordon G. Liu from Peking University gave the first plenary presentation to discuss Pharmacoeconomics prospects in innovation and development. Subsequently, Professor Shanlian Hu from Fudan University presented compensation issues of future high-value cell gene therapy. Professor Kun Zhao from Tsinghua University explained how to apply HTA to achieve technological innovation. Lastly, Professor Lihua Sun from Shenyang Pharmaceutical University introduced the latest research methods and the future directions in Pharmacoeconomics research.
The conference of the Pharmacoeconomics Professional Committee of CPA has included six subforums focusing topics 1) Exploring Value Assessment Methods for Cancer Drugs, 2) Value evaluation and Pricing of Innovative Drugs, 3) Economic Evaluation of Rare Disease Drugs and Medication Protection Mechanism, 4) innovative payment methods for medical insurance, 5) Reforms of Medical Insurance Payment Methods, and 6) Development of Pharmacoeconomics and Talent Cultivation.
The 7th Pharmacoeconomics Young Scholar Forum was moderated by Professor Jing Wu. Professor Gordon G. Liu and Professor Shanlian Hu delivered welcome speeches. Professor Zhongliang Zhou from Xi'an Jiaotong University and Professor Xin Sun from Sichuan University provided keynote presentations of “Overutilization and Induced Demand in Medical and Health Services” and “Relying on Evidence-Based Medicine and Constructing Problem-Oriented Multidisciplinary Research", respectively. The Young Scholar Forum had 5 subforums focusing on 1) Pharmacoeconomic Evaluation Methods and Challenges, 2) Health-related Quality of Life and Health Effects, 3) Frontier and Applications of Pharmacoeconomic Models, 4) Generation and Application of Real-world Data, and 5) Healthcare and Drug Policy Research.
The 7th Pharmacoeconomics Young Scholar Forum has also received 104 research abstracts for the presentation selection. Five of them were selected for oral presentation and the rest were presented as research posters.
To know more about this joint conference, please visit https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s?__biz=MzA5NzcwNDIxNg==&mid=2660869460&idx=3&sn=7b23caae016bd13bdbfb47c07a9fa029&chksm=8bf1c523bc864c35b6c976d4951fada9a80ddfbf8ecc59e0c0933ad2047b77e58ff03e5358db&scene=27