At the end of March 2023, ISPOR Spain Chapter held the Spanish post-ISPOR Conference, a forum where the most important points analyzed at the previously held ISPOR European Congress 2022 were discussed by over 150 professionals in the Spanish HEOR community.
One of the most relevant topics discussed was the implementation of the recently passed HTA regulation in Spain. Having an assessment process in line with this regulation would be a priority in Spain. The debate highlighted that the EU’s recently pass joint clinical assessment regulation had not sufficiently covered all the issues related to full implementation and that countries have to work on its adaptability to each health system, avoiding highlighting differences and working to find common ground.
Another aspect debated at the conference was the relationship that should exist between economic evaluation and decision-making, an aspect that is currently controversial in Spain.
In short, in this year's post-ISPOR conference, the central focus of debate included the modernization, consolidation, and preparation of the Spanish model for the evaluation and financing of medicines by taking into account European strategies.