

1_HEOR News Numbers_Grey Border_Red NumberHow Strengthened Political Engagement Can Lead to Improved Health Outcomes in Africa (Brookings)

Brookings highlights a section of its Foresight Africa 2022 report, sharing hopeful statistics such as up to 95% of African countries have developed policies and plans on medicines, over 90% on blood safety, and 85% on traditional medicine.
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2_HEOR News Numbers_Grey Border_Red NumberInfectious Disease Outbreaks Highlight Gender Inequity  (Nature Microbiology)

The Ebola and COVID-19 outbreaks in Africa revealed a much higher vulnerability in women when it comes to the indirect health, social, and economic consequences of such health crises according to the authors of a new paper. The authors call for health systems and communities in these countries to address these gender inequity problems before a future outbreak.
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3_HEOR News Numbers_Grey Border_Red NumberClimate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability  (IPCC)

One of the areas of focus in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Sixth Assessment Report is the impact of climate change on health and the news is not good.
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4_HEOR News Numbers_Grey Border_Red NumberCommonwealth and WHO to Strengthen Cooperation on Health, Including Access to Vaccines (WHO)

The Commonwealth Secretariat and the World Health Organization (WHO) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding committing to strengthening their collaboration on a broad range of public health issues of particular concern to Commonwealth member states and governments, such as the response to the COVID-19 pandemic, vaccine equity, advancing universal health coverage, and building resilient health systems. Read more.


5_HEOR News Numbers_Grey Border_Red NumberIt’s Time to Champion Health System Resilience  (AstraZeneca)

Leon Wang, Executive Vice President, International, AstraZeneca, discusses how the company is working with tech companies around the world, including in many low- and middle-income countries, on innovative and digitally led approaches to improve access to healthcare and clinical trials for noncommunicable diseases such as diabetes, chronic lung illnesses, cancer, and heart disease.
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6_HEOR News Numbers_Grey Border_Red NumberTaking Stock of Medicare Advantage: Choice  
(The Commonwealth Fund)

As the average Medicare beneficiary in the United States faces the prospect of choosing from among 39 Medicare Advantage plans. Experts say most beneficiaries aren’t making informed or active decisions, picking plans based on advertising, word-of-mouth, or brand loyalty, and staying with those plans year after year, even if another plan would better serve their interests. Read more.


7_HEOR News Numbers_Grey Border_Red NumberEgypt Screens 75K Babies for Genetic Diseases in 7 Months  (Egypt Today)

The Ministry of Health and Population has screened 75,000 babies for genetic diseases such as congenital hypothyroidism, hemolytic anemia, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, cystic fibrosis, and hereditary hyperlipidemia since the launching of the presidential initiative on July 13, 2021.
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8_HEOR News Numbers_Grey Border_Red NumberHIV Preventive Care Is Supposed to Be Free in the United States. So, Why Are Some Patients Still Paying?  

Under provisions of the Affordable Care Act, the decision to rate pre-exposure prophylaxis as an effective preventive service triggered rules requiring health insurers to cover the costs. Insurers were given until January 2021 to adhere to the ruling, yet patients across the United States are being assessed thousands of dollars for drugs, quarterly lab tests, and doctor visits.
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9_HEOR News Numbers_Grey Border_Red NumberCan the Population Health “Fantasy Equation” Be Solved? Does It Need to Be?  (Health Affairs)

David Kindig and John Mullahy ponder one of the biggest questions when it comes to public health: whether there is a way to balance out the elements of the complex model of looking at population health to come up with precise answers of where money should be spent. In the end the authors say, “Robust estimates of directions and orders of magnitude may be just as important in serving decision makers as precise but unreliable findings.”
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10_HEOR News Numbers_Grey Border_Red NumberxCures and BioSpark Partner to Boost Real-World Oncology Data Offerings (Newswires)

xCures Inc and BioSpark Inc have formed a strategic partnership to harmonize and commercialize a joint oncology real-world data offering, which they say unlocks new insights into the treatment and outcomes of patients with cancer through a novel dataset spanning 40,000+ patients.
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