Budget Impact Analysis of a Solution for Sealant in Spain
Durán Esteban A1, Quintana J2, Sánchez San Cristóbal R1, Ivanova Y1, González-Domínguez A1, Navarrete-Dualde J3
1Weber, Madrid, M, Spain, 2Medical Devices, Johnson & Johnson, Madrid, M, Spain, 3Medical Devices, Johnson & Johnson, Madrid, Spain
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: Surgical bleeding remains a costly complication during surgery. The aim of this study is to estimate the budget impact (BI) on the Spanish National Health System (SNHS) after introducing a novel sealant to stop bleeding during surgery, based on a combination of human fibrinogen and human thrombin (HF/HT), Veraseal®.
METHODS: A BI analysis was developed over a 3-year time horizon from the perspective of the SNHS. The targeted procedures were cardiovascular, colorectal, hepatic, and general surgeries. The therapeutic alternatives evaluated were HF/HT and the incumbent comparator.
The list price, the applicable discount by law (RDL 8/2010) and the VAT were considered for drug costs. The robustness of the model was evaluated by a deterministic sensitivity analysis, varying the list price, the optimization of vials, and both, at the same time.RESULTS: The model estimated the total number of the above targeted surgeries in 2021, 2022 and 2023; 47,636; 51,252 and 54,869 surgical procedures would be potentially eligible for treatment. The results showed that the gradual introduction of HF/HT (11.02%, 13.66% and 15.95% respectively), with a list price of €287 (4mg) and €428 (10mg), could generate savings at SNHS level of €248,902 in the first year, €331,765 in the second year and €414,784 in the third year, leading to a cumulative BI of -€995,451 in three years, due to a reduced need for HF/HT use. The sensitivity analysis confirmed the robustness of the model and indicated that savings could be increased by 36% when including the optimization of vials. Reducing the list price by 43.1% produced savings of €566,412 in three years.
CONCLUSIONS: The introduction of HF/HT as a supportive treatment in adults when routine surgical techniques are insufficient to achieve hemostasia would result in important savings for the Spanish NHS: €995,451, during the first three years of its introduction.
Conference/Value in Health Info
Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)
Economic Evaluation
Topic Subcategory
Budget Impact Analysis
STA: Surgery