October 4, 2023 - October 5, 2023
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Analysis of Longitudinal Data: Fixed and Random Effects Models- Virtual
15:00PM – 17:00PM (BST)
10:00AM – 12:00PM (EDT)
14:00PM – 16:00PM (UTC)
Thursday, 5 October 2023 | Course runs 2 consecutive days, 2 hours each day
15:00PM – 17:00PM (BST)
10:00AM – 12:00PM (EDT)
14:00PM – 16:00PM (UTC)
Click for time zone conversion
Longitudinal data is often encountered by researchers, allowing them to use the time dimension to uncover deeper insights than what is possible with a traditional cross-sectional snapshot. But this advantage comes at a cost: the assumption that each
observation is independent is broken due to the fact that patients are measured on multiple occasions over time. Failure to account for this feature when analyzing data can result in bias, and longitudinal methods should be used to account for
this problem. Two powerful but simple solutions are the fixed and random effects estimators, both of which have recently become more popular in medical research. A key feature of both is that they model the unobserved differences between patients,
and can even control for unobserved confounding. This course will discuss the methods and intuition behind both modelling techniques, alongside practical examples and interactive sessions in Stata. Attendees will gain both knowledge and practical
skills in this course.
PREREQUISITE: Participants should be familiar with linear regression. Although not essential, interactive sessions will be held and participants should bring a laptop with Stata installed.
Quantify Research
Stockholm, Sweden
Alexander Rieem Dun
Lead Analyst
Quantify Research
Stockholm, Sweden
Basic Schedule:
4 Hours | Course runs 2 consecutive days,
2 hours each day