January 26, 2022
Sponsored by ISPOR
Open to all ISPOR Members and Non-members
Wednesday, January 26, 2022
10:00AM EST | 3:00PM GMT | 4:00PM CET
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Economic evaluations are an important source of information for those making decisions about the use of healthcare resources. It is therefore critical that studies are adequately reported. The original CHEERS Good Practices Task Force Report contributed significantly to the improved reporting of economic evaluations and has now been updated to reflect recent developments in economic evaluation methods. This webinar will be of benefit to all those involved in undertaking or interpreting health economic evaluations.
The updated CHEERS 2022 statement and good practices task force report, published in Value in Health January 2022, replaces the original CHEERS guidance. This new reporting guidance will help authors provide accurate information on which health interventions are being compared and in what context, how the evaluation was undertaken, what the findings are, and other details that will aid readers, reviewers and decision makers in the interpretation and use of studies. It can also aid those interested in replicating research findings.
This webinar led by the task force co-chairs will focus on the main changes from the original CHEERS and a provide a quick live demonstration on how to use it. They will also discuss how a patient and public participation group was involved in the revision process, the resources being developed to support CHEERS 2022, the proposals for its dissemination and the involvement of a wide range of journals in the publication of the statement.
During the webinar, participants will have the opportunity to comment on the new recommendations and other issues, such as whether CHEERS 2022 would benefit from a series of user guides for the various users of published economic evaluations.
Learning Objectives
Webinar participants will learn how the CHEERS 2022 Statement (Checklist and Task Force Report) addresses:
- Developments in the methods of economic evaluation, such as the use of different types of economic models and new ways of measuring preferences
- Previous challenges in making CHEERS more widely applicable to cost-benefit/benefit-cost analysis, as well as equity- or distributional cost-effectiveness
- Calls for increased transparency in the reporting of economic evaluations, including the pre-registration of studies
- Efforts to increase patient and public involvement and engagement in health economics and outcomes research
Brought to you by: The ISPOR Consolidated Health Economic Evaluations Reporting Standards (CHEERS) II Good Reporting Practices Task Force
Don Husereau, MSc, Adjunct Professor, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada
Mike Drummond, PhD, Professor of Health Economics, University of York, York, England, UK
Reservations are on a first-come, first-served basis.