From the Editor

The Next Chapter: A Promise of Relevance and Resonance

It is our distinct honor to serve as the new Editors-in-Chief of Value & Outcomes Spotlight. We would like to express our gratitude to David Thompson for his exceptional dedication and leadership as Editor-in-Chief for the past 12 years. David and the ISPOR editorial staff established Value & Outcomes Spotlight as the premier HEOR (health economics and outcomes research) news magazine, and upon that solid foundation, we will build the next generation global news outlet for HEOR. We will do so by combining our experiences in academia and industry—both at a US and global level—to present methodological topics in HEOR with fresh, virtual, and engaging content to attract a broader and more diverse readership.

"The current news era of multimedia outlets, questionable truths, and “belief” over “fact” demands that the content of our publication resonates with our readers."

As we turn the page to the next chapter of Value & Outcomes Spotlight, we commit to delivering a publication that both provides relevant content and resonates with both HEOR experts and non-experts. We pledge that topics covered in the magazine will be timely and impactful to a broad range of healthcare disciplines and audiences. In the maelstrom of a global pandemic, growing societal demands, and ever-increasing pressures on the healthcare infrastructure, understanding and leveraging the principles of HEOR by a broader audience of patients, government entities, and private healthcare sponsors will be even more critical. Now more than ever, clearly and broadly communicating the impact and value of HEOR to inform decisions regarding healthcare treatments is essential. As HEOR data and methods become even more widely applicable and increasingly more sophisticated, clearly conveying our methodologies and principles to this broader audience will better facilitate their uptake and practice.

The current news era of multimedia outlets, questionable truths, and “belief” over “fact” demands that the content of our publication resonates with our readers. The publication’s digital format will provide opportunities to reach new audiences yet present new challenges and opportunities as we compete with a multitude of virtual content that debates the complex intertwine of healthcare costs, cost-effectiveness, policies, and assessments. Resonating with our readership will demand that our content rise above the day-to-day noise of these virtual outlets by providing relevant, insightful, and fact-based perspectives on HEOR. We will leverage ISPOR’s world-renowned reputation and resources, together with newly integrated modern communication platforms, to attract a broader audience of readers. Providing innovative virtual content that resonates with our readership will also be necessary to successfully establish our presence and differentiate our voice in a world that is operating almost entirely virtually.

Ultimately, you—our contributors and readers—will define the relevance and resonance of the magazine’s future. We welcome your ideas, input, and feedback to help shape the content and maintain the high quality of Value & Outcomes Spotlight. On behalf of the editorial staff and ISPOR, thank you for your loyal readership and contributions to Value & Outcomes Spotlight and to the Society.

Semper ad meliora!

Zeba M. Khan, RPh, PhD and
Laura T. Pizzi, PharmD, MPH
Value & Outcomes Spotlight

Zeba M. KhanLaura T. Pizzi

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