Author Reply


We thank Neil et al for highlighting the importance of the Australian Quality of Life 4 dimensions instrument in the assessment of health state utility values (HSUVs) in people with schizophrenia.

We agree with the authors of the letter on the sensitivity of the instrument, which includes dimensions regarded as relevant by service users, such as living independently and social relationships. We also acknowledge the importance of having tested this instrument in a national representative sample, identifying health inequalities among people with schizophrenia compared to the general population.

The aim of our review was to depict a comprehensive picture of the tools used to elicit HSUVs in people with schizophrenia. Therefore, we applied a thorough search strategy to identify as many relevant studies as possible. We focused on the instruments with the highest number of applications because a further aim was pooling mean utility values that might be used when building decision models. As a result, instruments such as the Australian Quality of Life 4 dimensions, the 15D, and the HUI-3 were discussed, but data were considered insufficient for meta-analysis.


David Aceituno Mark Pennington Barbara Iruretagoyena A. Matthew Prina Paul McCrone

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