Knowing the burden of disease related to carpal tunnel syndrome in the Colombian working population and the importance of assessing the indirect costs against the total costs of the disease.
We reviewed the literature on the prevalence and incidence of carpal tunnel syndrome in the Colombian population, disability days caused by this disease and methods for the assessment of indirect costs, such as the human capital approach and the friction costs. From the databases provided by the Ministry of Social Protection of Colombia and two from General System insurers Colombian Social Security, assessing the importance of the consideration of indirect costs in relation to the total costs of the disease.
We developed a regression model that shows the relationship between costs (total) of disease and disability days. Indirect costs represented by disability days have a higher correlation with the total cost with the time of treatment of disease.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition in the working population; which may affect the frequency of increased absenteeism. Consequently, this could lead to increased overhead costs and therefore total costs associated with a disease.
Francisco Palencia Sánchez Oscar Garcia Martha Isabel Riaño Casallas