Estimated Costs for All-Cause Grade 3/4 Adverse Events Among First-Line Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Plus Immuno-Oncology-Based Combination Therapies for Patients with Advanced Renal Cell Carcinoma from the United States Perspective
Wallace JF1, Adair N2, Perez JR1, Hall T1, Bilen MA3, Sussman M2
1Exelixis, Inc., Alameda, CA, USA, 2Panalgo LLC, Boston, MA, USA, 3Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University, Atlanta, GA, USA
Three tyrosine kinase inhibitor + immuno-oncology (TKI+IO) regimens (i.e., cabozantinib+nivolumab [C+N], axitinib+pembrolizumab [A+P], and lenvatinib+pembrolizumab [L+P]) have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the first-line treatment of advanced renal cell carcinoma (aRCC). Given the limited information on costs of treating adverse events (AEs), we estimated the costs of all-cause grade 3/4 AEs for C+N, A+P, and L+P from the CheckMate 9ER, KEYNOTE-426, and CLEAR trials, respectively.METHODS
: All-cause grade 3/4 AEs that occurred in ≥5% of patients treated with C+N, according to the FDA product prescribing information, were evaluated including: increased alanine aminotransferase (ALT), increased aspartate aminotransferase, increased lipase, diarrhea, fatigue, palmer-plantar erythrodysesthesia, and hypertension. AE unit costs were derived from 2018 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project inpatient data (principal diagnosis based on Clinical Classifications Software-Refined codes) and inflated to 2021 USD. Total costs are the sum-product of AE probabilities and corresponding unit costs. Median duration of follow-up, total AE costs, and the highest AE cost driver are reported for each treatment regimen.RESULTS
: Median duration of follow-up was longest among patients receiving L+P, followed by C+N and A+P, with 26.6, 18.1, and 12.8 months, respectively. Patients treated with C+N incurred the lowest total AE-related costs ($7,755), followed by patients treated with A+P ($8,757) and L+P ($11,220). The AE resulting in the highest cost among patients treated with C+N and L+P was increased lipase ($1,622 and $3,940, respectively) and increased ALT for patients treated with A+P ($2,318).CONCLUSIONS
: US patients with aRCC treated with C+N experienced the lowest total AE-related costs, followed by A+P and L+P. The top AE cost driver was increased lipase for two of the regimens under study. Our study suggests that AE costs vary among TKI+IO regimens and could be important in assessing cost-effectiveness and budget impacts.Conference/Value in Health Info
2022-05, ISPOR 2022, Washington, DC, USA
Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 6, S1 (June 2022)
Economic Evaluation
Topic Subcategory
Trial-Based Economic Evaluation