Job Satisfaction & Quality of Life of Greek Employees Working in Mental Health Rehabilitation Units in Greece
Krikki D1, Hatzikou M2, Theodorou P3
1Civil Non Profit Company of Mental Services, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2Hellenic Open University, York, YOR, UK, 3Hellenic Open University, Patras, A1, Greece
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the study was to investigate the degree of job satisfaction and the quality of life of employees in Mental Health Units of a civil non-profit company, the correlation between them, as well as the demographic and work characteristics of employees that affect both job satisfaction and quality of life.
METHODS: The study sample consisted of 147 employees with 82% response rate. The Greek version of Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS) questionnaire (Tsounis & Sarafis, 2018) and the GR version of EuroQol (EQ-5D) were used from December 2023 until January 2024.
RESULTS: The 38.1%, of the sample was nursing staff and 36.7% counted 16- 20 years of service, 33.3% of the sample received a monthly salary up to 1.000€ - 1.200€ and 40.1% had a secondary education. The results revealed that 63.6% of employees were satisfied with their work. The majority of employees expressed satisfaction with supervision (93.9%), colleagues (82.9%), nature of work (85.7%) and communication (76.9%) while lower satisfaction rates were observed regarding working conditions (32.2%) and promotion (19.2%). Regarding the quality of life of the employees, the average score on the EQ-5D scale of the respondents was 0.91 (SD=0.10), while the average rating of the visual analogue scale was 85.5%. Finally, the analysis showed that higher overall job satisfaction were associated with a better quality of life.
CONCLUSIONS: Employee satisfaction depends on a variety of factors while it is significantly related to their quality of life, low job turnover and their personal relationships. From this research, it appears that high satisfaction with salary, supervision, working conditions, nature of work, communication and overall job satisfaction contribute to a better quality of life. The survey revealed satisfactory levels of job satisfaction and good quality of life. Research in a larger population of employees in mental health organizations is necessary.
Conference/Value in Health Info
Value in Health, Volume 27, Issue 12, S2 (December 2024)
Mental Health (including addition), No Additional Disease & Conditions/Specialized Treatment Areas