May 15: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Alongside Clinical Trials - In Person at ISPOR 2022

May 15, 2022

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Cost-Effectiveness Analysis Alongside Clinical Trials

Economic Evaluation
4 Hours | Course runs 1 day

This short course will be offered in-person at the ISPOR 2022 conference. Separate registration is required. Visit the ISPOR 2022 website to register and learn more.

Sunday, 15 May 2022 | Course runs 1 Day
8:00AM–12:00PM Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) 

The growing number of prospective clinical/economic trials reflects both widespread interest in economic information for new technologies and the regulatory and reimbursement requirements of many countries that now consider evidence of economic value along with clinical efficacy. This course will present the design, conduct, and reporting of cost-effectiveness analyses alongside clinical trials based on, in part, "Good Research Practices for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis alongside Clinical Trials: The ISPOR RCT-CEA Task Force Reports." Familiarity with economic evaluations will be helpful.
            ***Registrants will receive a digital course book. Copyright, Trademark and Confidentiality Policies apply.***


Shelby Reed, RPh, PhD
School of Medicine, Duke University
Durham, NC, USA

Federico Augustovski, MASc, MSc, PhD, MD
Institute for Clinical Effectiveness and Health Policy
University of Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires, Argentina

Basic Schedule:
4 Hours | Course runs 1 Day

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