The standard framework of economic evaluation of health programs, which is increasingly used for policy funding decisions, is insufficiently equipped to reflect the full range of health and economic benefits conferred by vaccines and thus undervalues vaccination.
In 2019, a group of Belgian health economic and clinical experts, supported by 2 senior international vaccination experts (1 American, 1 Belgian), convened 4 roundtable meetings to highlight which particular value elements of vaccination remain neglected in economic evaluations.
They concluded that the standard economic evaluation framework fails to reflect the full value of vaccination with respect to prevention of complications linked to some vaccine-preventable diseases, health gains for caregivers, herd effects, changes in exposure to and distribution of serotypes, the effect on antimicrobial resistance, productivity gains for caregivers and patients, and the distributive implications of vaccination programs.
Here, suggestions are made regarding how these shortcomings can be addressed in future economic evaluations of vaccines and how a more level playing field between vaccines and other health programs can be created.
Lieven Annemans Philippe Beutels David E. Bloom Wilfried De Backer Olivier Ethgen Jeroen Luyten Philippe Van Wilder Lander Willem Steven Simoens