Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Validation of the EuroQoL Toddler and Infant Populations Instrument Into Afrikaans for South Africa



The EuroQol Group is exploring the development of a health-related quality of life measure for toddlers and infant populations (EuroQoL Toddler and Infant Populations [EQ-TIPS]) aged 0 to 36 months. This study aimed to report on the cross-cultural adaptation and validity of the South African Afrikaans EQ-TIPS.


The development of the Afrikaans EQ-TIPS followed the EuroQol guidelines including forward-backward translation and cognitive interviews with 10 caregivers of children aged 0 to 36 months. Thereafter, 162 caregivers of children 0 to 36 months of age were recruited from a pediatric hospital inpatient and outpatient facility. The EQ-TIPS; Ages and Stages Questionnaire; face, legs, activity, cry, and consolability; and dietary information were completed by all caregivers. The distribution of dimension scores, Spearman’s correlation, analysis of variance, and regression analysis were used to explore the validity of the EQ-TIPS.


The descriptive system of the EQ-TIPS was generally well understood and accepted by caregivers. The correlation coefficients for concurrent validity were significant and moderate for pain and weak and significant for the other dimensions hypothesized to correlate. Known groups were compared and inpatients had a significantly higher report of pain (χ = 10.57, P = .032).


The Afrikaans version of the EQ-TIPS is well understood and accepted by caregivers and valid for use with children aged 0 to 36 months in South Africa.


Janine Verstraete Razia Amien

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