Medication Use Among T2DM Patients Initiating Treatment with Once Weekly (OW) Semaglutide


Frazer M1, Swift C2, Sargent A3, Leszko M3, Buysman EK3, Alvarez S4, Noone J2, Gamble C2
1Quality Metric, Johnston, RI, USA, 2Novo Nordisk Inc., Plainsboro, NJ, USA, 3Optum, Eden Prairie, MN, USA, 4Novo Nordisk Inc., Tacoma, WA, USA

OBJECTIVES: Characterize medication use patterns among patients with T2DM initiating OW semaglutide (sema).

METHODS: Retrospective analysis using medical and pharmacy claims data between 01/01/2017-12/31/2020 for commercial and Medicare Advantage with Part D insurance enrollees, age 18+. Patients had ≥1 claim for OW sema (first claim=index date), ≥1 T2DM diagnosis, continuous enrollment for 12 months before and including index (baseline) and 12 months after (follow-up), excluding pregnant females. Medication use was analyzed using a line of therapy (LOT) algorithm that measures regimens over time with descriptive methods.

RESULTS: Patients initiating OW sema (n=15,588) had a mean age of 59 years, 60.8% had commercial coverage and 52.2% were female. All patients had ≥1 LOT, 9,071 (58.2%) had ≥2 and 3,866 (24.8%) had ≥3 LOTs during follow-up. OW sema monotherapy was initially filled by 31.9% of patients with a mean length of 180 days. OW sema+metformin (MET) was filled by 24.4% of patients with a mean length of 237 days. Over one-third (36.5%) had 1 LOT until the end of follow-up and 37.4% began a 2nd LOT by switching a medication. In the 2nd LOT, OW sema monotherapy was filled by 18.5% of patients with a mean length of 136 days, and OW sema+MET was filled by 11.2% with a mean length of 159 days. 52.1% of patients who had a 2nd LOT continued it to the end of the follow-up period.

CONCLUSIONS: OW sema monotherapy and OW sema+MET were the most commonly filled T2DM LOTs among patients initiating OW sema. Most patients had 1 or 2 regimens during the 12-month follow-up period. This real-world exploratory study may help physicians and payers understand clinical behavior within the first year of OW sema use.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2023-05, ISPOR 2023, Boston, MA, USA

Value in Health, Volume 26, Issue 6, S2 (June 2023)





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