Exhibitor Resources

Exhibitor resources are available to help ISPOR Europe 2024 exhibitors and sponsors find the information required to successfully manage the exhibiting/sponsoring process. Below you’ll find useful resources and we encourage you to check back often for updates and additional information.

CCIB Exhibition Online Manual

Exhibitors can place orders through CCIB for furnishings, graphics, catering, AV, electrical, etc. as necessary. 

Exhibitor Service Center

Includes official vendor order forms, exhibitor quick facts, deadline checklists, and other important announcements. 


Due to limited availability, ISPOR Europe 2024 Exhibit Hall Meeting Rooms are reserved for Sponsors. Please contact sales@ispor.org for additional information. 


ISPOR Europe 2024 Exhibitor Registration Guide

    Important Notice
    Some members, conference attendees, and exhibitors have been receiving emails from rogue list brokers claiming to have access to an ISPOR conference attendee list for sale. Please know that ISPOR does not rent, share, or sell your email or physical address to any third parties or list brokers. These companies may mislead event participants by representing themselves as the official congress accommodation provider and may use a range of tactics to deceive including the usage of the ISPOR logo. These scammers are trying to phish for your information and gain access to financial resources. In some cases, event participants have been led to believe that they had made a reservation, only to arrive at the event to find that no reservation has been made and their credit cards may have been charged. Please do not engage with and/or acquire/purchase any reservations from any company claiming to have use of the ISPOR conference database, attendees, or contact information as it puts you and others' contact information at risk.

    ISPOR takes this matter very seriously and will do whatever possible to protect our attendees, partners, and exhibitors. We encourage you instead to block the sender, delete the email, and report scammers to ISPOR.

    For questions, please contact the ISPOR Exhibits team directly at exhibit@ispor.org