
Gamero K1, Fernandez Mercado JC2, Alvis Guzman N3, Alvis-Zakzuk JS4, PAZ Wilchez J5, Rosas Romero GL6
1Pharmaser, Cartagena, BOL, Colombia, 2MUTUALSER EPS, University of Cartagena Clínica Crecer, CARTAGENA DE INDIAS, Colombia, 3Universidad de Cartagena - ALZAK Foundation, Cartagena, Colombia, 4Pharmaser, Cartagena, Colombia, 5MUTUALSER EPS, CARTAGENA DE INDIAS, Colombia, 6MUTUAL SER EPS, CARTAGENA, Colombia

Objective: Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension type 1 (PAH) is a rare, severe and progressive disease characterized by elevated pulmonary vascular resistance (PVR) at the pulmonary arteriole level, which affect individuals of all age, race, and gender. The aim of this study was to estimate the cost per patient of treatment of PAH based on endothelin receptor antagonist medicines in a poor population of Colombia.

Methods: Cross sectional descriptive study of patients with PAH in 2019 was developed. Data was extracted from the individual outpatient dispense records from a health insurance company in Colombia. Monthly consumption of drugs was considered throughout the year 2019. The mean cost per patient and its confidence interval were estimated.

Results: 62 patients with PAH were identified through the dispense records database of 2019. Macitentan was the most expensive treatment consumed by these patients. Most people with HAP were women (66.12%) with a mean age of 53.9±18.11 years. The overall mean cost of treatment of a patient with HAP was $2,193.85 (IC95% $1,940.80-$2,446.89). The mean cost of a patient treated with Macitentan, Ambrisentan and Bosentan was $3,301.61 (IC95% $2,802.65-$3,800.56), $2,220.96 (IC95% $1,830.55-$2,611.36), $1,547.83 (IC95% $1,520.09-$1,575.57) respectively. The range of treatment cost per patient varied from $833.10 to $4,326.24.

Conclusions: These results contribute to the evidence needed in Colombia as input to estimate the burden of the management of HAP patients with endothelin receptor antagonist medicines. With these data and with a prevalence of 52 cases per 1.000.000 habitants, we could say that the annual economic burden of PAH treatment would be about $5,505,328. These findings create awareness and provide valuable information for the development of strategies aimed at controlling costs and avoiding financial risks associated to it.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2020-05, ISPOR 2020, Orlando, FL, USA

Value in Health, Volume 23, Issue 5, S1 (May 2020)




Economic Evaluation

Topic Subcategory

Budget Impact Analysis


Rare and Orphan Diseases

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