Cost-Effectiveness of Lanreotide Atg Verse Octreotide for the Treatment of Acromegaly in China
Hao S1, Han S2
1Peking University, beijing, 11, China, 2Peking University, Beijing, China
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness of lanreotide ATG compared with octreotide for the treatment of acromegaly from the perspective of Chinese health system and society,
METHODS: A decision tree model was constructed for the cost-effectiveness analysis of the two treatments from both of Chinese health system and society perspective. Both efficacy and safety data were extracted from a network meta analysis. Local costs and utilities were derived from publications and open-access databases. Both one-way and probabilistic sensitivity analyses were conducted to test the robustness of the result,
RESULTS: Compared with octreotide microspheres, lanreotide ATG was the dominant treatment strategy in the short term, with similar cost and higher benefits (0.099 quality-adjusted life-years) in both regimen 1 (standard-dose maintenance therapy) and regimen 2 (high-dose EDI maintenance therapy).Probabilistic sensitivity analysis showed that the probability of treatment with lanreotide ATG being cost-effective was 82.7% and 83.5% in regimen 1 and regimen 2, respectively. The main factors influencing the ICER were the cost of octreotide microspheres and lanreotide ATG.
CONCLUSIONS: At a threshold of 1.5 times Chinese GDP per capita, lanretide-ATG was the dominant treatment strategy compared with octreotide from both of Chinese health system and society perspective
Conference/Value in Health Info
Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)
Economic Evaluation
Topic Subcategory
Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis
SDC: Rare & Orphan Diseases