Value of Real-World Evidence for Treatments for Ultra Orphan or Rare Diseases: Lessons and Insights From Review of NICE Highly Specialized Technology Assessment Reports (2016-2022)


Aggarwal S1, Topaloglu J2, Kumar S3, Bela A4, Topaloglu O1
1NOVEL Health Strategies, Bethesda, MD, USA, 2Institute of Global Policy, Washington DC, DC, USA, 3NOVEL HEALTH STRATEGIES, COLUMBIA, MD, USA, 4NOVEL Health Strategies, Chevy Chase, MD, USA

OBJECTIVES: For rare diseases, Real-World Evidence (RWE) is a useful resource to collect data. The objective of this analysis was to understand the value and role of RWE for treatments for ultra-rare diseases assessed by NICE under the Highly Specialized Technology (HST) program.

METHODS: A systematic review of all 2016-2022 NICE HST HTAs was conducted using NOVEL-HTA database. HST Reports were reviewed for all types of RWE (e.g. registry, observational, chart review, claims database). For selected reports, we analyzed the context for RWE, NICE’s determination and any concerns.

RESULTS: In 17 (~90%) out of the 19 HST reports NICE requested, considered, or accepted use of RWE for ultra-rare diseases. In these reports, there were a total of 115 different references of RWE, vast majority of which were for registry (42%) and natural history study (36%), followed by observational study (9%) and retrospective chart reviews (5%). In 11 reports, the context of RWE was for long-term effectiveness. In 8 reports, RWE was cited for health utilities scores and for conducting indirect comparisons. In 4 reports, RWE was used for determining standard of care and transition probabilities for cost-effectiveness modeling. In 2 reports, there were concerns regarding collection of quality of life from registries. Five products had relatively high references of RWE- Eculizumab (16 times), Asfotase alfa (11), Selumetinib (10), Metreleptin (8) and Burosumab (8). For 3 products NICE recommended use of RWE to assess adverse events (Voretigene neparvovec, Metreleptin, Odevixibat). In 2 assessments, NICE acknowledged that there was an urgent need for new treatments (Asfotase alfa) and high burden of the disease (Eculizumab).

CONCLUSIONS: To our knowledge this is the first report describing use of RWE for ultra-rare disease HTA submissions. This analysis provides valuable lessons and insights for manufacturers to leverage RWE for HTA submission.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria

Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)




Health Technology Assessment

Topic Subcategory

Decision & Deliberative Processes


SDC: Rare & Orphan Diseases

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