Cost Per Responder and Number Needed to Treat of iGlarlixi vs Premix BIAsp 30 in Algerian Setting


Malek R1, Safia M2, Levy P3, Aissaoui A4, Hachelaf Z5
1Internal Medicine Department, CHU Setif, ALGIERS, Algeria, 2EHS CPMC, PARIS, France, 3Université Paris Dauphine, université PSL, LEDA [LEGOS], Paris, France, 4Sanofi, Algiers, Algeria, 5Sanofi, algiers, Algeria

OBJECTIVES: A Cost per Responder analysis was developed to explore the absolute cost of a responder treated with iGlarLixi. The objective is to evaluate the short-term cost-effectiveness of iGlarlixi vs BIAsp 30 BID in people with T2DM failing to achieve glycemic control on basal insulin in Algerian setting

METHODS: The proportions of patients achieving target were analyzed using data obtained from the SoliMix trial, an open-label, randomized, active-controlled, 26-weeks, parallel group, multicenter, phase IIIb study comparing the efficacy and safety of iGlarLixi once daily versus BIAsp 30 BID in adults with T2DM. The cost per patient achieving treatment target was assessed for primary endpoint HbA1c<7% and several composite endpoints based on HbA1c<7% and/or no weight gain and/or no hypoglycemia criteria. Costs were estimated in Algerian dinars (AD), including drug acquisition and costs of glycemic self-monitoring. Cost per responder was estimated over the study duration 26 weeks and computed by dividing the treatment costs per patient by the proportion of responders

RESULTS: iGlarLixi was associated with a higher cost per responder than BIAsp 30 BID for the single component endpoint BIAspHbA1c<7%: 207363AD vs 175418AD and for HbA1c + level 2 hypoglyceamia (based on ADA definition: plasma glucose<54mg/dL):221537AD vs 209710AD. When considering other endpoints, iGlarLixi was associated with lowest cost per responder than BIAsp 30 BID for HbA1c<7% without weight gain 318208AD vs 449862AD and HbA1c<7% without weight gain and without hypoglycemia plasma glucose <70mg/dL 451069AD vs 796900AD

CONCLUSIONS: Based on the data from SoliMix trial, iGlarLixi is more effective than BIAsp 30 BID in terms of bringing patients to targets, both HbA1c-focused & multifactorial. While iGlarLixi was associated with increased treatment costs, the cost per responder was lower than premix BIAsp 30 when considering all treatment effect. This analysis suggests iGlarLixi is an efficient alternative in Algeria

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria

Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)




Economic Evaluation

Topic Subcategory

Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis


STA: Drugs

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