Workshops are designed to share novel and innovative experiences in either the conduct of pharmacoeconomics and outcomes research studies or the interpretation and use of pharmacoeconomics outcomes information in health care policy development.
- An ISPOR workshop is similar to a one-hour short course with an audience participation element.
- Standard and advanced methods topics workshop submissions follow the same review process.
- All session submissions and presentations must be in English.
- All session submissions and presentations must not promote any product or service.
- Please do not submit duplicate submissions.
- Submitted speakers must present in-person.
- Registration is required for all presenters. Expenses associated with submissions and presentations are the responsibility of the presenter.
- Submitters must agree to disclose AI-Assisted Content in the submission form. Failure to disclose submissions and/or accepted materials may result in its withdrawal from ISPOR. View ISPOR's AI policy.
- Length of session description: 302 words (or 2200 characters), including headers.
- Example of a workshop proposal submission is available here (downloadable PDF).
ISPOR Diversity Policy
ISPOR is strongly committed to diversity. The Society’s Strategic Plan and core values embrace excellence through encouragement and acceptance of diverse ideas, cultures, and disciplines. Workshop submissions are encouraged from all stakeholders and are evaluated based on merit. ISPOR also aims to reflect the diversity of its membership in all endeavors and encourages consideration of diversity in abstract submissions. Diversity dimensions include (but not limited to) gender, career stage, ethnicity, race, education, sexual orientation, region/geographic location, disabilities, and religion. Additional information can be found at the Society’s Diversity Policy.
Below are instructions to assist with your Workshop proposal. To access the submission portal, you will need to login using your ISPOR web credentials. If you do not have an ISPOR web profile, follow the "Create an Account" link on the ISPOR login page.
If you have any questions concerning the submission process, please contact or
- Session Title: You must enter a session title to save your session in our system. Titles are 225 characters max (including spaces). ISPOR reserves the right to modify abstract submissions based on ISPOR style guidelines. Examples:
- Multi-Indication Pricing: Do We Want It? Can We Operationalize It?
- Designing a Patient-Centered Value Framework to Guide Shared Decision-Making Oncology: Why, What, and How?
- Are Existing Health Technology Assessment Requirements Inadequate for Establishing Value for Potentially Transformative Gene Therapies?
- Acknowledgements: Submitting authors/submitters must agree to ISPOR being an in-person only event, and ISPOR’s AI-Assisted Content Disclosure.
- Location: Please select your primary geographical region. If your content applies to multiple regions, select Global/Multiple Regions option.
- Level of Difficulty: Indicate if this session is Introductory, Intermediate, or Advanced in nature:
- Introductory: Appropriate for individuals new to the topic/subject area
- Intermediate: Appropriate for individuals who already have a basic understanding of the topic/subject area
- Advanced: Appropriate for individuals with an in-depth knowledge of the topic/subject area
- Fast Facts: Are you interested in having your session converted into a 30-minute Fast Facts session? Select yes or no from the drop-down menu.
- Main Taxonomy/Topic: Select ONE of the taxonomy/topics that best describes your session (see next section below).
- Additional Taxonomy/Topic: Select up to TWO additional taxonomy/topic areas that are applicable to your session (see next section below).
- These should be different than your primary taxonomy/topic area selected above. If you do not have an additional taxonomy/topic area, please select “Not Applicable.”
- Related ISPOR Track: New this year! ISPOR is piloting a new track at ISPOR Europe 2025: Patient-Centered Evidence. Please select one option from the drop-down menu that best applies to your proposal.
- Patient-Centered Evidence Priority Topics: If your session proposal fits one of the Patient-Centered Evidence track priority topics, please let us know by selecting the applicable topic.
- Patient Engagement: Review the ISPOR definition of patient engagement and determine if your session meets the criteria by choosing yes or no from the drop-down menu.
Clinical Outcomes
Comparative Effectiveness or Efficacy
Clinician Reported Outcomes
Relating Intermediate to Long-term Outcomes
Performance-based Outcomes
Clinician Outcomes Assessment
Economic Evaluation
Cost/Cost of Illness/Resource Use Studies
Budget Impact Analysis
Trial-based economic evaluation
Value of Information
Cost-comparison/effectiveness/utility/benefit Analysis
Thresholds & Opportunity Cost
Work & Home Productivity - Indirect Costs
Novel & Social Elements of Value
Epidemiology & Public Health
Safety & Pharmacoepidemiology
Prevalence, Incidence, & Disease Risk Factors
Public Health
Disease Classification & Coding
Health Policy & Regulatory
Approval & Labeling
Reimbursement & Access Policy
Public Spending & National Health Expenditures
Coverage with Evidence Development & Adaptive Pathways
Health Disparities & Equity
Pricing Policy & Schemes
Insurance Systems & National Health Care
Procurement Systems
Risk-sharing Approaches
Health Service Delivery & Process of Care
Hospital and Clinical Practices
Pharmacist Interventions and Practices
Disease Management (including optimization studies)
Prescribing Behavior
Formulary Development
Quality of Care Measurement
Treatment Patterns and Guidelines
Health Technology Assessment
Systems & Structure
Decision & Deliberative Processes
Value Frameworks & Dossier Format
Medical Technologies
Digital Health
Methodological & Statistical Research
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Predictive Analytics
Confounding, Selection Bias Correction, Causal Inference
PRO & Related Methods
Survey Methods
Missing Data
Modeling, Simulation, Optimization
Preference Methods
Organizational Practices
Academic & Educational
Geographic & Regional (not for epidemiology or treatment evaluation studies of population subgroups)
Best Research Practices
Patient-Centered Research
Adherence, Persistence, & Compliance
Health State Utilities
Patient Behavior and Incentives
Instrument Development, Validation, & Translation
Stated Preference & Patient Satisfaction
Patient-reported Outcomes & Quality of Life Outcomes
Patient Engagement
Real World Data & Information Systems
Data Protection, Integrity, & Quality Assurance
Distributed Data & Research Networks
Health & Insurance Records Systems
Reproducibility & Replicability
Study Approaches
Clinical Trials (Traditional)
Prospective Observational Studies (including chart reviews and time and motion studies)
Surveys & Expert Panels
Literature Review & Synthesis
Meta-analysis & Indirect Comparisons
Pragmatic Trials & Large Simple Trials
Decision Modeling & Simulation
Retrospective Databases (EM&HR, Administrative Claims)
- Audience Interactive Element: Provide all interactive elements you plan to utilize in your session.
- Workshop Description: Purpose/Description: There is a 302-word limit (2200 character limit). You will need to insert the headers “Purpose” and “Description” into the textbox.
- Purpose: Provide a clear definition of the workshop’s objective. (Ensure that the purpose(s) is achievable in 60 minutes.)
- Description: Provide a clear description of the topic including background information & audience participation.
- The audience interactive element is an important criterion to fulfill. Here are examples:
- Example 1: Each speaker will present a schematic of how patient preference data are included in their respective regulatory processes. The audience will participate in the evaluation exercise drawing on the pros versus cons of each arrangement to develop an ‘ideal’ process for using this data in healthcare decision making.
- Example 2: The workshop will use real-time polling to work through the examples and conclude with an audience discussion about the opportunities and challenges of using these different methods for portfolio selection.
- Example 3: The discussion leaders will conduct a real-time test of the validity of audience members’ preferences and help the audience evaluate the implications of such validity failures for regulatory decision-making.
- The audience interactive element is an important criterion to fulfill. Here are examples:
A workshop is comprised of a minimum of 2 and maximum of 3 speakers. If accepted, speaker information will be published in conference materials as submitted and can only be modified by ISPOR staff.
- Amongst the moderator and speakers, a diversity of stakeholders, work environments and/or geographic locations is strongly encouraged to provide different perspectives on the topic.
- Only 2 speakers per organization is permitted.
- Confirm or provide the names, degrees, institutions, city, state, country, email address, and work environment for your speakers.
Follow the steps in cOASIS to search/add your speakers. Each speaker will need an ISPOR profile in order to be added to your abstract. If you cannot find your author using the search fields, please use the create a new ISPOR profile link in the submission form. The ISPOR profile form will open in a new window/tab. Complete the information and close the window/tab to return to your submission and search again.
A workshop is comprised of 1 moderator. Moderators maintain communication with presenters and ISPOR staff regarding the development and delivery of the session. Follow the steps in cOASIS to search/add your moderator.
ISPOR collects information on the submission of each session, regardless if they are a speaker/moderator. Follow the steps in cOASIS to search/add your information.
Review your submission carefully and fix any incomplete items. If your submission is complete, the submitter will receive an automatic email from
When you return to your ISPOR Submission Portal, your submission will be labeled "Complete" (green) or "Incomplete" (yellow). Submitters can revise "Complete" and "Incomplete" submissions at any time before the submission deadline. If you need technical assistance or have questions, contact or before the submission deadline.
Overall, workshop acceptance is based on the quality of the proposal and the topic’s importance for inclusion and discussion in this conference’s scientific program. Standard and advanced methods topics workshop submissions follow the same review process.
Please consider the updated submission criteria when submitting your proposal:
Quality of content
- Educational value of the session
- Timeliness of the topic
- Applicability of content to HEOR practice or principles
- Effectiveness of incorporated active learning strategies
- The information/issue presented are novel or innovative
- Workshop proposals includes examples drawn from multiple sources
- Unbiased content that does not promote a product, service, or organization; abstracts deemed to be promotional will be excluded from consideration
Quality of proposal
- Plans for interactivity between the speakers and audience
- Proposal purpose/issue is clearly defined
- Issue panel proposals have more than one perspective identified
- The background information (included in the overview) is clear and concise
Quality of Speakers
- Expertise/experience of proposed speakers
- Proposed speakers represent diverse backgrounds (gender, geographic, institutional - refer to ISPOR Diversity policy) and perspectives (multiple organizations are represented)