Development and Validation of Artificial Intelligence Models for Early Detection of Postoperative Infections (PERISCOPE): A Multicenter Study Using Electronic Health Record Data (The Lancet Regional Health Europe)
Researchers aimed to develop locally valid models as part of the PERISCOPE AI system to enable early detection, safer discharge, and more timely treatment of patients with postoperative infections, and found the system can accurately predict overall postoperative infections within 7 and 30 days postsurgery.
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The Potential of Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4 (GPT-4) to Analyze Medical Notes in Three Different Languages: A Retrospective Model-Evaluation Study (The Lancet Digital Health)
Researchers aimed to assess the ability of GPT-4 to answer predefined questions after reading medical notes in 3 languages. They found that the tool can accurately extract information from these notes and has the potential to transform narrative text into structured knowledge compared with traditional natural-language processing, which generally does not capture the complexity of co-occurring medical problems or disease trajectory over time.
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Institute for Clinical and Economic Review Publishes Fourth Annual Assessment of Barriers to Fair Access Within US Commercial Insurance Prescription Drug Coverage (ICER)
Partnering with IQVIA, ICER found that major payer coverage policies for the 11 drugs detailed in the report often met fair access criteria for several categories, but said improvements need to be made in the transparency of coverage policy information for consumers and in detailing out-of-pocket costs for patients.
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Dapagliflozin for the Treatment of Heart Failure With Reduced Ejection Fraction in Brazil: A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (The Lancet Regional Health Americas)
A study aiming to estimate the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of add-on dapagliflozin treatment for HFrEF from the Brazilian public healthcare system perspective found that the addition of the therapy in treating 1000 HFrEF patients yielded an expected value of 366.99 additional QALYs at an incremental cost of $1,517,878.49, resulting in an ICER of $4136.08 per QALY gained.
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HERA Signs Joint Procurement Framework Contract for COVID-19 Treatment (HERA)
The European Commission’s Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority (HERA) signed a joint procurement framework contract with Gilead for the supply of the antiviral Veklury (remdesivir). The third agreement, following one that expired in January 2024, includes 13 European Union/European Economic Area countries and allows the purchase of up to 2.25 million vials.
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Institute for Clinical and Economic Review Publishes Final Evidence Report on Treatment for Epstein-Barr Virus Positive Post-transplant Lymphoproliferative Disease (ICER)
The independent assessment organization found that Pierre-Fabre’s tabelecleucel demonstrated superior net health benefits compared with usual care, and could achieve common thresholds for cost-effectiveness if priced between $143,900 and $273,700 per treatment cycle.
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Unveiling Immunity Gaps and Determining a Suitable Age for a Third Dose of the Measles-Containing Vaccine: A Strategic Approach to Accelerating Measles Elimination (The Lancet Regional Health Southeast Asia)
As immunity gaps in adolescents and young adults pose an obstacle to measles elimination, this study highlighted a significant gap in young adults aged 20 to 26 years, with researchers theorizing that a booster at the age of 18 to 20 years could potentially close the gap and aid measles elimination programs.
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Developing Evidence-Based Health Policy for Dementia Care (JAMA Forum)
By 2050, the annual cost of care for patients with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias is projected to reach $1.5 trillion in the United States, with 75% covered by Medicaid and Medicare. “Collaboration between health and behavioral economists and clinical experts is needed to bring evidence to bear in informing care delivery and payment policy for the public health insurance programs through which most dementia care will be covered,” the authors say.
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Cost Evaluation of Acute Ischemic Stroke in Latin America: A Multicentric Study (The Lancet Regional Health Americas)
In a study measuring the real costs associated with acute ischemic stroke care in Latin America using time-driven activity-based costing, researchers found significant disparities in stroke costs across healthcare services in Latin America, influenced by variations in treatment accessibility, patient outcomes, and clinical risk profiles, with the primary driver of cost being the length of hospital stay.
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A Common EU Approach to Data Transparency in Medicine Regulation (EMA)
EMA and HMA (Heads of Medicines Agencies) have published a comprehensive overhaul of their guidance on the identification of commercially confidential information and personal data in marketing authorization applications for human medicines. Officials say the update reaffirms the commitment of regulatory authorities across the European Economic Area to extensive transparency when disclosing information, both in response to access-to-documents requests and in the proactive publication of data once a medicine is authorized.
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