Healthcare resource allocation decisions are often informed by the expected gains in patients’ quality-adjusted life-years. Misconceptions about ill-health’s consequences for quality of life (QOL) may however affect evaluations of health states by the general population and hence affect resource allocation decisions informed by quality-adjusted life-years. We examine whether people selectively misestimate the QOL consequences of moderate anxiety or depression compared with other dimensions of health, and we test whether informing people of actual changes in QOL associated with health states changes appraisals of their relative undesirability.
UK general population participants (N = 1259; in 2017) expressed preferences over moderate problems: anxiety or depression, self-care, and pain or discomfort. A randomized control trial design was used whereby a control group was given a functional description of each health state, and 2 intervention groups were additionally given information on the actual differences in either life satisfaction (LS) or day affect (DA) associated with experiencing each health state.
The LS (DA) group reported a higher preference for avoiding living with moderate anxiety or depression, being 13.4% (13.9%) more likely to choose it as most undesirable.
Informing people of the change in LS or DA associated with health states before they appraise them is a feasible way to obtain informed preferences.
Robert P. Murphy Christopher J. Boyce Paul Dolan Gordon D.A. Brown Alex M. Wood