P71 The Development of a Flexible and Easy to Tailor Disease Model to Estimate the Outcomes of Treatment Sequences in Advanced Melanoma by Combining Trial and Real-World Data



S de Groot HM Blommestein B Leeneman Groot CA Uyl-De JBAG Haanen KPM Suijkerbuijk M.J.B. Aarts FWPJ van den Berkmortel CU Blank MJ Boers-Sonderen AJM van den Eertwegh JWB de Groot GAP Hospers E Kapiteijn MM de Meza D Piersma RS van Rijn MAM Stevense-den Boer AAM van der Veldt G Vreugdenhil MWJM Wouters M Franken PHM van Baal

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