High-Quality, Scientific Rigor, and Diversity- Value in Health Regional Issues Is Getting Its Impact


Value in Health Regional Issues (ViHRI) focusing on Central and Eastern Europe, Western Asia, and Africa(CEEWAA) is now entering its fourth year and it is our pleasure to introduce its third volume. Our journal, which also includes annual volumes focusing on studies performed in Latin America and Asia, is steadily developing with increased quality, scientific rigor, and geographic diversity. The subject are as cover not only traditional pharmacoeconomics (i.e., economic analyses) and outcomes research (i.e., patient preferences and health-related quality of life) but also health policy reviews and an alyses pertaining to major topics of concern to most health care systems. Within the last couple of years, we have noticed an increase in the number and quality of submitted manuscripts. As of February 2015, we received 45 manuscript submissions in total, of which 13 have
been accepted,18 rejected, and the remaining were still under editorial review as of September 2015.


Mohamed Izham B. Mohamed Ibrahim Imre Boncz Dan Greenberg

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