Drug Policy in the Russian Federation



To describe characteristics of the drug policy in Russia in terms of health technology assessment (HTA), registries of patients, pricing of drugs, cost-containment methods, and reimbursement of drugs.


The legal and regulatory frameworks and the literature were reviewed to analyze several aspects of Russian healthcare: the scheme of cooperation between its structures, its levels, drug provision, issues related to HTA, the reimbursement system, pricing of medicines, and cost-containment methods.


The Russian drug policy has improved over the last few years: HTA has been developed, rules for the pricing of drugs and cost-containment methods have been established, and registries of patients have been created. The reimbursement system in Russia is different from the ones in Western Europe and consists of a few programs: reimbursement for specific categories of citizens, vital and essential drug list, list of 24 orphan diseases, list of 7 nosologies, and other programs, depending on region. Financing for drug provision in Russia is divided into 2 levels: federal and regional. There is still a lack of transparency and equality in healthcare as well as huge differences in access to healthcare, depending on region.


The healthcare system in Russia is complicated and needs improvement. Nowadays, changes are being made; for example, there are attempts to implement HTA at federal and regional levels.


Malwina Holownia-Voloskova Pavel A. Vorobiev Maxim Grinin Maria V. Davydovskaya Tatiana N. Ermolaeva Konstantin A. Kokushkin

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