Benefits of a Polymer Tip in Torsional Phacoemulsification: A Targeted Literature Search and Budget Impact Model
Hsiao CW1, Wright G2, Son D2, Pan LC3
1Alcon Inc., Fort Worth, TX, USA, 2EVERSANA, Burlington, ON, Canada, 3Alcon Vision LLC, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: Posterior capsule rupture (PCR) is a cataract surgery complication that can occur for various reasons including standard metal phacoemulsification tips contacting the posterior capsule. A new polymer-coated tip uses a soft elastic material which aims to improve the safety profile of phacoemulsification. A targeted literature search was conducted to identify the associated benefits of this phacoemulsification tip and to calculate the potential cost impact of avoiding PCR events compared to a standard metal tip.
METHODS: PubMed was searched in June 2023 utilizing combinations of the following terms: phacoemulsification, cataract, posterior capsule rupture, INTREPID, balanced tip, hybrid tip, and polymer, and was limited to 2019-2023. Studies published in English investigating the INTREPID® Hybrid tip were included. Budget impact was estimated from a US healthcare provider perspective in a cohort of 1,000 patients using the associated healthcare resource utilization for treatment of PCRs (including additional operating room time, follow-up visits, medications, and procedures). Costs were informed based on published literature, where available, and reported in 2023 US dollars.
RESULTS: Five studies were identified (randomized observational=1; laboratory=4). The INTREPID® Hybrid Tip had a safer profile compared with the standard tip. The torsional power threshold to cause a PCR event was 2.2–3.4 times higher with Hybrid Tip compared with Balanced Tip in paired cadaver or porcine eyes (n=2 studies)Cumulative dissipated energy (CDE) outcomes were mixed; reported as lower (Grade 1-4 patient eyes) or similar (porcine lenses) CDE with Hybrid Tip (n=2 studies). The estimated PCR costs for Hybrid Tip and Balanced Tip were $58 and $163 per patient, respectively, for total cost savings of $105,676 across a hypothetical cohort of 1,000 patients.
CONCLUSIONS: Current literature suggests that the INTREPID® Hybrid Tip may minimize the risk of PCRs compared with Balanced Tip. However, future real-world evidence studies to assess this are warranted.
Conference/Value in Health Info
Value in Health, Volume 27, Issue 6, S1 (June 2024)
Economic Evaluation, Study Approaches
Topic Subcategory
Budget Impact Analysis, Literature Review & Synthesis
Sensory System Disorders (Ear, Eye, Dental, Skin), Surgery