Content Validity of FACT-GP5 to Assess Treatment Tolerability in Participants With Progressive, Advanced, Kinase Inhibitor-Naïve, RET-Mutant Medullary Thyroid Cancer: Qualitative Interview Sub-Study of the LIBRETTO-531 Trial


Altman D1, Choi J2, Elisei R3, Jarzab B4, Wadsley J5, Gilligan A6, Maeda P7, Bourke S7, Payakachat N8
1Modus Outcomes, Murrieta, CA, USA, 2Modus Outcomes, Cambridge, MA, USA, 3University of Pisa, Pisa, Tuscany, Italy, 4Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Gliwice Branch, Gliwice, Poland, 5Weston Park Cancer Centre, Sheffield, England, UK, 6Eli Lilly and Company, Roanoke, TX, USA, 7Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, IN, USA, 8Eli Lilly and Company, Little Rock, AR 72223-4618, AR, USA

OBJECTIVES: To explore a) perception of bother, burden, and tolerability and b) clarity of the Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-General Item GP5 (FACT-GP5) questionnaire and association of FACT-GP5 response options with “high side-effect bother.”

METHODS: We conducted semi-structured 1:1 virtual qualitative interviews with consented on-treatment participants enrolled in LIBRETTO-531 trial (NCT04211337) who completed the FACT-GP5 at baseline. The FACT-GP5, a single-item measure, assesses the overall impact of treatment side-effects using a 5-point Likert scale (0=not at all to 4=very much) with a 7-day recall. Interviews consisted of a) concept elicitation regarding perception of bother, burden, and tolerability of treatment side-effects, and b) cognitive debriefing of the FACT-GP5 and the response options which were associated with “high side-effect bother”. Interview transcripts were thematically analyzed with inductive and deductive coding using ATLAS.ti. Saturation analysis was conducted to determine how much new information was obtained in each group of 5 interviews.

RESULTS: Interviewed participants (N=34) had a median age of 61 years (range=23–76) and 67.6% were male. Participants had a median time of 50 weeks (range=11–135) between the first day of study treatment and the interview date. Conceptual saturation related to bother, burden, and tolerability was achieved in the 4th group interviewed. Concept elicitation indicated that side-effects were bothersome if they caused physical discomfort/annoyance, interfered with daily activities, and/or caused emotional distress. “Burden” implied a greater severity of side-effects or impacted daily activities more than “bother.” Most participants reported that bother and burden were related to their perceived “tolerability” of a treatment. Cognitive debriefing indicated that FACT-GP5 was clear, understandable, and relevant. Most participants (68%) indicated that options “3” or “4” were associated with stopping treatment and “high side-effect bother.”

CONCLUSIONS: The findings support the content validity of FACT-GP5 to assess treatment tolerability and the definition of “high side-effect bother” used in LIBRETTO-531.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2024-05, ISPOR 2024, Atlanta, GA, USA

Value in Health, Volume 27, Issue 6, S1 (June 2024)




Clinical Outcomes, Methodological & Statistical Research, Patient-Centered Research

Topic Subcategory

Clinical Outcomes Assessment, Instrument Development, Validation, & Translation, Patient-reported Outcomes & Quality of Life Outcomes, PRO & Related Methods



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