Keratometry, Intraocular Pressure, and Visual Acuity at the Onset of Ophthalmic Conditions in the Real-World Setting
Rasouliyan L, Kumar V, Althoff A, Chang S, Long S
OMNY Health, Atlanta, GA, USA
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: The objective of this research was to characterize ocular curvature (OC), intraocular pressure (IOP), and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) at the onset of wet age-related macular degeneration (AMD), dry AMD, dry eye syndrome (DES), and glaucoma in the real-world setting. METHODS: Patients from 3 specialty ophthalmology networks from the OMNY Health Database with a diagnosis code for wet AMD (ICD-10: H35.32*), dry AMD (ICD-10: H35.31*), DES (ICD-10: H04.12*), or glaucoma (ICD-10: H40*) were included if they had at least 1 corresponding eye measurement at first diagnosis. Snellen visual acuity metrics were converted to logarithm of minimum angle of resolution (LogMAR) values. Descriptive statistics for OC, IOP, and BCVA measurements were generated for the poorer- and better-seeing eyes separately at the first occurrence of each diagnosis code. RESULTS: At least 1 of the specified eye measurements was available in 5,123, 42,602, 129,683, and 120,725, wet AMD, dry AMD, DES, and glaucoma patients, respectively. OC values in the poorer-seeing eyes were similar across all conditions (mean values ranged from 43.9 to 44.4 diopters) with slightly lower values observed in the better-seeing eyes. Mean (quartiles 1-3) LogMAR BCVA values in the poorer-seeing eyes were 0.538 (0.301, 0.477, 0.699) for wet AMD, 0.331 (0.097, 0.301, 0.477) for dry AMD, 0.190 (0, 0.097, 0.301) for DES, and 0.238 (0.097, 0.176, 0.301) for glaucoma. Mean values in the better-seeing eyes for these conditions were associated with notably better vision (0.295, 0.184, 0.097, and 0.126, respectively). Mean IOP measurements in mmHg in the poorer-seeing (better-seeing) eyes were 15.4 (13.6), 19.0 (14.1), 17.3 (14.5), and 17.6 (15.8) for wet AMD, dry AMD, DES, and glaucoma, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Results provide insight into characteristics of OC, IOP, and BCVA measurements at the onset of various ophthalmic conditions in the real-world setting. These values may help benchmark baseline measurements for these conditions.
Conference/Value in Health Info
2023-05, ISPOR 2023, Boston, MA, USA
Value in Health, Volume 26, Issue 6, S2 (June 2023)
Clinical Outcomes, Study Approaches
Topic Subcategory
Clinical Outcomes Assessment, Clinician Reported Outcomes, Electronic Medical & Health Records
Sensory System Disorders (Ear, Eye, Dental, Skin)