How Much Weight Should be Placed on Additional Value Elements in Health Technology Assessment?
Moderator: Robert Brett McQueen, PhD, Department of Clinical Pharmacy, University of Colorado Skaggs School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Denver, CO, USA
Panelists: Jon Campbell, PhD, Institute for Clinical and Economic Review, Hingham, MA, USA; Zoltan Kalo, PhD, 1) Semmelweis University; 2) Syreon Research Institute, Budapest, Hungary; Sam Roberts, DPhil, National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), London, UK
Presentation Documents
ISSUE: Health technology assessment (HTA) organizations support direct or indirect pricing and reimbursement negotiations using systematic methods that estimate the value of health interventions. Current HTA relies on clinical evidence generated for regulatory approval to inform comparative- and cost-effectiveness calculations. However, there have been recent calls to include additional value elements more explicitly (e.g., real-option value, value of hope, scientific spillovers, insurance value, etc.) that may quantify the wider impact interventions have on patients and society. These recent calls have generated suggested alternatives and supplements to current HTA practice. However, without understanding the weight society places on additional value elements, the return on investment for evidence generation on additional value elements is unclear.
OVERVIEW: This global HTA panel will explore the question: how much weight should be placed on additional patient and societal value elements in reference to current HTA practice? Brett McQueen will introduce the topic by presenting a background on current HTA practice and emerging alternatives and supplements to incorporate additional value elements. Jon Campbell will provide an overview of current practices at the Institute for Clinical and Economic Review and summarize how the organization is addressing calls to include additional value elements in their assessments. Jacoline Bouvy will provide a similar overview from the perspective of an HTA body. Zoltán Kaló will provide an overview from the perspective of lower income countries. Core to the issue, each panelist will opine on the weight HTA bodies in their own settings should use for additional value elements. Differences in opinion will be explored and debated. Finally, we will engage the audience by asking how much weight they would place on additional value elements while also fielding questions for the panelists.
Conference/Value in Health Info
Health Technology Assessment