Moderator: Jennifer Bright, MPA, Innovation and Value Initiative, Alexandria, VA, USA
Panelists: Lou Garrison, PhD, The Comparative Health Outcomes, Policy and Economics (CHOICE) Institute, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA; Eric Stanek, PharmD, Healthcore, Inc., Wilmington, DE, USA; Leah Howard, JD, National Psoriasis Foundation, Alexandria, VA, USA
Presentation Documents
ISSUE: Rapid advances in medical innovation and accompanying increases in cost have driven US healthcare decision makers to focus great attention on “value.” To provide credible and relevant information on value specific to the complex decision contexts in healthcare, however, innovation in value assessment is needed: there is a general consensus that the existing methods are simply not up to the task. But there is more debate about what methodological advancements are needed. What are the highest priorities for advancing methods? And how do we do it?
OVERVIEW: Supported by a Eugene Washington PCORI Engagement Award, the Innovation and Value Initiative convened a summit on “Defining Needs and Progress Toward Improving Methods in Value Assessment.” Participants in the full-day working meeting represented diverse perspectives – including patients, payers, health systems, employers, regulators, and researchers – and collaboratively identified priorities for methods research and outlined a research agenda for advancing value assessment methods. This panel of meeting attendees will take up unresolved questions and key areas of persisting debate. Jennifer Bright will moderate and make the general case for advancing methods in value assessment. Lou Garrison will describe the current state of the science and provide the economics perspective. Eric Stanek will advocate for the areas in greatest need of improved methods and assessment capability from the payer perspective, and Leah Howard will provide perspective from the patient community. Panelists will provide brief remarks, reserving the majority of the session for panel discussion and audience questions.
Conference/Value in Health Info
Economic Evaluation