Health Resource Utilization and Economic Burden in Chinese Post-Allogeneic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation (allo-HSCT) Patients With or Without Chronic Graft-Versus-Host Disease: A Comparative Analysis
OBJECTIVES: To assess healthcare resource utilization (HRU) and associated costs among Chinese allo-HSCT patients with or without cGVHD.
METHODS: A retrospective analysis was conducted using a regional electronic health records (EHR) database in China. Patients who underwent their first allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (allo-HSCT) after January 1, 2016 and had at least one-year follow-up post-transplantation were included. Based on the presence or absence of a cGVHD diagnosis after initial allo-HSCT, the included patients were categorized into the cGVHD group and non-cGVHD group. Descriptive statistic methods were applied to estimate the total hospitalization and outpatient costs as well as the health resource utilization over a three-year period post-transplantation.
RESULTS: A total of 2,104 patients were included with 918 cGVHD patients and 1,186 non-cGVHD patients. The cGVHD group demonstrated significantly higher HRU in the first year compared to the non-cGVHD group, with mean total cost per patient per year (¥628,714±435,761 vs ¥280,673±299,241, P < 0.001 ), inpatient admissions (6.54±2.47 vs. 4.27±3.19, P < 0.001), hospitalization days (119.61±72.20 vs. 52.79±50.17, P < 0.001) and outpatient visits (50.22±33.70 vs.37.54±32.62, P < 0.001).
In the cGVHD group, 56% of the total cost contributed to treating underlying malignancy, 30% related to treating adverse events caused by infections, bleedings, hematological changes etc., and 14% linked to organ damage treatment (lung, liver, eye, gastrointestinal etc.). The follow-up costs in the 2nd and 3rd year were ¥69,773±142,557 and ¥17,363±67,816, respectively. For cGVHD patients occurred with recurrent malignancy, the total yearly cost for the first 3 years were ¥749,339 ± 457,659, ¥90,970 ± 185,517 and ¥54,535 ± 147,552, respectively.CONCLUSIONS: Chinese post-allo-HSCT patients with cGVHD exhibit a considerable burden on healthcare resources utilization.
Conference/Value in Health Info
Economic Evaluation
Systemic Disorders/Conditions (Anesthesia, Auto-Immune Disorders (n.e.c.), Hematological Disorders (non-oncologic), Pain)