Assessing Internal Structure, Psychometric Properties, and Explanatory Power of Self-Complete EQ-5D-Y and CHU-9D in Children With Specific Phobia
Wang HI1, Chuang LH2, Feng YS3, Wright B1, Kind P4
1University of York, York, YOR, UK, 2GongjJng Healthcare Co. Ltd, IJsselstein, UT, Netherlands, 3Medical University of Tübingen, Tübingen, Baden-Württemberg, Germany, 4University College London, London, Greater London, UK
Presentation Documents
OBJECTIVES: This study evaluates the performance of the EQ-5D-Y in children and young people (CYP) with mental health conditions, using specific phobias as a case study. The aims are to investigate the internal structure of the self-completed EQ-5D-Y-3L and to assess its psychometric performance and explanatory power compared to the CHU-9D.
METHODS: Data were retrieved from the Alleviating Specific Phobias Experienced by Children Trial (ASPECT) (n=267), the first trial study measuring health-related quality of life for full range of specific phobias. Self-reported measures included EQ-5D-Y, CHU-9D, Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale-Children/Parents (RCADS-C/P); while clinical outcome measures comprises subjective units of distress (SUDS) and anxiety disorder interview schedule (ADIS). Where possible, both the EQ-5D-Y descriptive profile and its utility score (Dutch-Y value set) were analyzed.
RESULTS: Regarding internal structure, the internal model, incorporating mobility, self-care as formative indicators, and pain/discomfort, worried/sad/unhappy, and usual activities as reflective indicators, exhibited a good fit. EQ-5D-Y items correlated well with expected items of CHU-9D, while utility scores of both measures correlated strongly with RCADS-C/P (> 0.5) and weakly correlated with clinical outcomes. In known group analysis, both EQ-5D-Y and CHU-9D demonstrated strong effect-sizes (ES) across RCADS-C/P (ES: 0.9-1.7), and small ES of 0.2-0.4 across SUDS and ADIS subgroups. Defined by RCADS-C/P change, both EQ-5D-Y and CHU-9D exhibited good responsiveness, with CHU-9D showing a larger ES (0.90) than EQ-5D-Y (0.68). For explanatory power, while both measures explained 34% and 54% of variance in RCADS-C scores, respectively, neither EQ-5D-Y nor CHU-9D explain the variance in ADIS or SUDS scores.
CONCLUSIONS: This study is the first comprehensive analysis of the performance of self-complete EQ-5D-Y in CYP with specific phobias. Our study found that both EQ-5D-Y and CHU-9D align more closely with the construct assessed by RCADS-C/P than by other clinical indicators, such as AIDS and USDS.
Conference/Value in Health Info
Value in Health, Volume 27, Issue 12, S2 (December 2024)
Clinical Outcomes, Patient-Centered Research, Study Approaches
Topic Subcategory
Clinical Outcomes Assessment, Clinical Trials, Patient-reported Outcomes & Quality of Life Outcomes
Mental Health (including addition), Pediatrics