Hight Blood Pressure Disease Burden in a Health Insurance Company in Colombia
OBJECTIVES: Estimate the High Blood Pressure Burden in a Health Insurance Company in Colombia during 2019
METHODS: A descriptive study. The Individual Health Service Provision Records (RIPS), the Social Protection Information System (SISPRO) data cubes and the Capitation Payment Unit (UPC) sufficiency files, were processed. It was analyzed the percentage distribution of cases, as well as age-adjusted rates and burden indicators: It was analyzed the percentage distribution of cases, as well as age-adjusted rates and burden indicators: Years of Life Lost due to Premature Death (AVPP), Years of Life with Disabilty (AVD) and Life Lost Years due to disability (AVISA).
RESULTS: In 2019, 8.3% of patients received corresponded to arterial hypertension. The estimated prevalence in patients over 20 years old was 12.7%. From 2012 to 2019, 876 members died due to hypertension, with age-adjusted rates per-100,000, ranging from 10.42 to 15.96. The patients of AVPP were 8791.82, AVD: 13298.49 and AVISA: 25865.24. Differences were found to each indicator by department.
CONCLUSIONS: A high burden of hypertensive diseases was found in affiliates of CAJACOPI EPS; the results are comparable with official data from the ASIS. The methodological limitations are inherent to the type of study, but the results obtained are considered an important input for decision making.
Conference/Value in Health Info
Epidemiology & Public Health
Cardiovascular Disorders (including MI, Stroke, Circulatory)