Exploration of the Perception on Physical Activity and Its Correlation With Patients' Quality of Life at Vironas Health Center


Moustaka A1, Theodorou P2, Hatzikou M3
1Vironas Health Center, Athens, Greece, 2Hellenic Open University, Patras, A1, Greece, 3Hellenic Open University, York, YOR, UK

OBJECTIVES: The objectives of the study was to evaluate the perceptions of physical activity and its correlation with the quality of life of the patients who visited the Health Center of Vironas, in Athens, Greece.

METHODS: A cross sectional study was performed from March to May 2024. The sample consisted of 152/177 (response rate: 85.8%) patients. The questionnaire is divided into four parts; the first is related to the collection of demographic data, the second includes the Greek version of Short Form Survey (SF-36), the third the Self-efficacy for Exercise Scale (SEESCALE) and the fourth the International Questionnaire of Physical Activity (IPAQ, short –form).

RESULTS: Out of 152 responders, The majority of the sample were women (67.1%). The majority was under 45 years old (55.9%), 56.6 were married and 63.6% had a higher education level. Participants’ quality of life was rated high according to physical and mental summary scales (Μean 48.6+8.7 and 42.2+12.2 respectively). Additionally, participants showed moderate self-efficacy for exercise (Μean 15.0+5.1) while 47% had moderate level of physical activity, closely followed by 34.7% with high level and 35.6% with low level. Responders who practiced more often had increased self-efficacy and vitality, compared to those who exercised at a moderate or low level, while those who exercised at a moderate level had better physical functioning than those who exercised at a low level. With regard to increased self-efficacy for exercise, it was related with reduced bodily pain, better general and mental health, and increased vitality. Finally, participants over 56 years old demonstrated worse physical health and physical functioning compared to those in the 18-35 age group.

CONCLUSIONS: Physical activity is correlated to better general and mental health and better quality of life overall and its promotion is one of the most important goals of Primary Health Care.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2024-11, ISPOR Europe 2024, Barcelona, Spain

Value in Health, Volume 27, Issue 12, S2 (December 2024)




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