Non-Pharmacological Strategies for Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy: A Comprehensive Review


Jangid S1, Verma A2, Pruthi J1, Prasanna R3, Rai MK4
1EVERSANA, Mumbai, MH, India, 2National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (NIPER), Saharanpur, UP, India, 3EVERSANA, Singapore, Singapore, 4EVERSANA, Singapore, Singapore, Singapore

OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to assess the effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions in the management of Chemotherapy-Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN).

METHODS: A thorough search was conducted in databases such as PubMed and Google Scholar. The search strategy included keywords related to CIPN and non-pharmacological interventions such as ‘acupuncture’, ‘cryotherapy/compression therapy’, ‘scrambler therapy’, ‘physical exercise’, ‘photo biomodulation’, and nutritional supplements. The impact of each strategy in alleviating CIPN symptoms were evaluated.

RESULTS: A total of 156 studies investigating non-pharmacological strategies for CIPN were identified from the database. Among these included studies, 10 were selected based on the inclusion criteria for the study. Physical exercise strategies emerged as the most effective intervention for managing CIPN in individuals with advanced cancer. Exercise not only improved physical function but also reduced inflammation, suppressed pain pathways, and enhanced neuroprotective factors associated with nerve development and function. Acupuncture, cryotherapy/compression therapy, and photo biomodulation also demonstrated promising results in reducing CIPN symptoms, with significant improvements reported in three studies. Two studies depicted that nutritional supplement, such as Omega-3 PUFA (polyunsaturated fatty acids) and glutamine, exhibited potential benefits in CIPN management.

CONCLUSIONS: Physical exercise was reported as the most effective non-pharmacological treatment for CIPN. However, further research is required to establish the best exercise plans and validate findings of the literature review. The focus should be on well-designed trials, standardized protocols, and assessing potential side effects to optimize non-pharmacological approaches for CIPN management, leading to improved quality of life for patients and enhanced effectiveness of chemotherapy treatment

Conference/Value in Health Info

2023-11, ISPOR Europe 2023, Copenhagen, Denmark

Value in Health, Volume 26, Issue 11, S2 (December 2023)




Clinical Outcomes

Topic Subcategory

Comparative Effectiveness or Efficacy


Drugs, Oncology

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