Budget Impact Analysis of Bimekizumab for the Treatment of Moderate-to-Severe Plaque Psoriasis in Greece


Koulentaki M1, Tzanetakos C1, Stratigos A2, Sotiriou E3, Ladha I4, Kountouris V5, Relakis J5, Kourlaba G1
1Econcare LP, Athens, A1, Greece, 2National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece, 3Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece, 4UCB Pharma, London, UK, 5UCB Pharma, Athens, Greece

Presentation Documents

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the budgetary impact from the introduction of bimekizumab as a treatment option for patients with moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in Greece alongside currently available biologic therapies or apremilast.

METHODS: A budget impact model was adapted, from a public payer perspective, to depict the financial implications of bimekizumab’s inclusion in the currently marketed psoriasis treatments, over the next 5 years (2023–2027). The model framework considered epidemiological data of Greek psoriatic patients, treated with biological agents or apremilast, market share scenarios with and without bimekizumab and direct reimbursement costs of each treatment (including drug acquisition, administration, monitoring adverse events and best supportive care). Pharma’s projection estimates were used for building up the market shares of the analyses. All unit costs correspond to the year of analysis (€, 2022). Epidemiological data were retrieved from both publicly available sources and clinical experts. The measured outcomes were incremental cost and total budget impact, calculated by comparing the respective budget expenditures with and without bimekizumab in the Greek psoriasis market.

RESULTS: The total number of the eligible population was 10,547 patients per year and the number of patients treated with bimekizumab in the new market scenario was estimated to increase from 316 in 2023 to 738 patients in 2027. Moreover, the analysis showed that adding bimekizumab to the Greek psoriasis market, resulted in an average total budget of €2,597,056 per year. Through the years, the inclusion of bimekizumab in the market, resulted in a limited increase in the public expenditures, with total and per patient net budget impact of €12,985,280 (+3%) and €1,231, respectively, over a 5-year time horizon.

CONCLUSIONS: This budget impact analysis suggests that the induction of bimekizumab in the market of moderate-to-severe plaque psoriasis in Greece, would have a limited budgetary impact considering its promising clinical benefits.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria

Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)




Economic Evaluation

Topic Subcategory

Budget Impact Analysis


STA: Biologics & Biosimilars

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