Cemiplimab and Pembrolizumab for Advanced Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer With PD-L1 ≥ 50%: Number Needed to Treat and Cost of Preventing an Event in the Brazilian Private Healthcare System Perspective


Taminato A1, Barbosa A2, Bento de Lima C2, Corá G3, Antonini Ribeiro R4, Magro FJB2
1Sanofi, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 2Sanofi, Sao Paulo, SP, Brazil, 3Nova University Lisbon, São Paulo, SP, Brazil, 4HTAnalyze Consulting and Training, Porto Alegre, Brazil

OBJECTIVES: To analyze the number needed to treat (NNT) and cost of preventing an event (COPE) for cemiplimab and pembrolizumab as first-line treatments for advanced non-small-cell lung cancer with PD-L1 ≥ 50%, under the Brazilian private healthcare perspective.

METHODS: The NNT for overall survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) were obtained from the digitized survival curves of the pivotal trials (using Engauge Digitizer software): EMPOWER-Lung 1 (cemiplimab) and KEYNOTE-024 (pembrolizumab). Considering 18-month median follow-up of the shorter trial (EMPOWER-Lung 1), the 12 and 18-month timepoints were considered for NNT calculations. Treatment costs were estimated using labelled dosing, median duration of treatment (6.3 and 7.9 months for cemiplimab and pembrolizumab, respectively, from pivotal trials) as proxy for treatment duration and drugs ceiling prices in the private setting (obtained from CMED). COPE was calculated as the median treatment duration multiplied by the unrounded NNT and CMED list prices; for NNT results presentation, numbers were rounded to its closest integer.

RESULTS: The control groups (chemotherapy) had similar 12-month OS results: 53.6% in the KEYNOTE-024 and 54.1% in the EMPOWER-Lung 1. The rounded OS NNT were 5 for cemiplimab and 6 for pembrolizumab, for both 12-month and 18-month timepoints. The rounded PFS NNT were 3 and 4 for cemiplimab in the 12-month and 18-month timepoints, respectively; for pembrolizumab, rounded NNT was 4 in both periods. COPE values (expressed in million Brazilian Reais) for OS were as follows: R$2.020 and R$1.793 for cemiplimab, and R$2.575 and R$2.547 for pembrolizumab, in the 12 and 18-month timepoints, respectively. For PFS, COPE values were R$1.115 and R$1.527 for cemiplimab, and R$1.550 and R$1.702 for pembrolizumab, in the 12 and 18-month timepoints, respectively.

CONCLUSIONS: Cemiplimab from EMPOWER-Lung 1 showed similar and numerically better NNT and COPE values compared to pembrolizumab from KEYNOTE-024. Longer follow-up from EMPOWER-Lung 1 will help to refine the analysis.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria

Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)




Economic Evaluation

Topic Subcategory

Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis, Thresholds & Opportunity Cost, Trial-Based Economic Evaluation


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