The Economic Value of Insulin Glargine 300 U/Ml (Gla-300) in People ≥18 Years of Age With Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Value-Based Economic Model From a U.S. Payer Perspective


Ponomareva E1, Siegfried C2, Srinivas SSS2, Preblick R3, Park S3, Wilson L3, Revel A3
1Axtria Inc, Berkeley Heights, NJ, USA, 2Axtria Inc, Berkley Heights, NJ, USA, 3Sanofi, Bridgewater, NJ, USA

Presentation Documents

OBJECTIVES: Previous real-world evidence (RWE) studies have demonstrated lower healthcare resource utilization (HCRU) in Type II diabetes (T2DM) patients who switched from 1st generation to 2nd generation basal insulin (BI) therapies. This study assessed the value and affordability of Gla-300 in a value-based economic model by leveraging the RWE from a U.S. payer perspective.

METHODS: An economic model for a hypothetical US health-plan was developed to assess the budgetary impact of therapeutic interchanges in either direction between the two generations of BIs over a three-year time horizon. Treatment naïve, prevalent (on BI for minimum of one year), and switcher patients comprised the cumulative population of the model. The utilization of ten branded and biosimilar BIs was based on 2020 data. The 2018 DELIVER-2 and 2020 DELIVER-naïve studies provided HCRU parameters, and the baseline proportion of treatment naïve and prevalent patients were reflective of the 2019 LIGHTNING study. Per Patient Per Year (PPPY) cost was the sum of wholesale acquisition costs (WAC) and all-cause (including hypoglycemia and diabetes related) HCRU costs divided by number of patients. Model base case scenario assumed 1st to 2nd generation BI switch, 62.7% naïve patients at Year 0, and 23% of patients switching to insulin glargine biosimilars by Year 3.

RESULTS: The base case scenario costs were $10,173 PPPY in Year 3 for the cumulative population. When all patients switched to Gla-300, the costs in Year 3 were $8,296, which reflected $1,877 PPPY lower budget impact compared to the base case. A 2nd generation to 1st generation BI reversal scenario, however, demonstrated a budgetary increase of $911 PPPY over the model horizon.

CONCLUSIONS: The RWE-based model parameters highlighted the economic value of increased utilization of Gla-300 driven by the reduction in HCRU. Budgetary reductions were achieved by switching patients from 1st generation BIs to Gla-300.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria

Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)




Economic Evaluation

Topic Subcategory

Budget Impact Analysis


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