Assessment of Consumption of Antidepressants in Ukraine Compared With Estonia


Iakovlieva L, Tkachova O, Gerasymova O, Kovalenko L
National University of Pharmacy, Kharkiv, Ukraine

Presentation Documents

OBJECTIVES: study of the range of antidepressants (AD) in Ukraine for 2019-2020 and comparison of consumption indicators of AD in Ukraine and Estonia during 2019.

METHODS: analysis of the range and consumption indicators of AD conducted using the system of market research of drugs "Pharmstandard" of the company "Morion". For research the consumption of АD in Ukraine was used ATC/DDD- methodology, recommended by the WHO, and for research the level of consumption of АD in Estonia - published statistics.

RESULTS: antidepressants in Ukraine during 2019-2020 were presented on the basis of 19 INN mainly by drugs from foreign manufacturers. In the pharmaceutical market for the study period predominated drugs of selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors: escitalopram and sertraline. In Ukraine in 2019, AD was consumed 13.7 times less than in Estonia. Escitalopram was the leader in amounts of consumption in both countries, but him consumption in Estonia was 10.9 times higher (7,98 DID). The second place in Ukraine was taken by non-selective monoamine reuptake inhibitor – amitriptyline (0,4 DID), and in Estonia – sertraline (5,4 DID).

CONCLUSIONS: The level of AD consumption in Ukraine did not match to the level of consumption in Estonia. Consumption in Estonia (32,3 DID) was 13.7 times more than in Ukraine. Escitalopram was the leader in amounts of consumption in both countries, but him consumption in Estonia was 10.9 times more. That is the difference in consumption of AD may indicate about more frequent treatment of patients with mental disorders in Estonia for medical care.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria

Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)




Epidemiology & Public Health

Topic Subcategory

Safety & Pharmacoepidemiology


SDC: Neurological Disorders

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