Evaluation of Cost by TPS vs Pharmacotherapy of Dementia in Ukraine


Kacherai Y, Zaliska O
Danylo Halytsky Lviv National Medical University, Lviv, Ukraine

Presentation Documents

OBJECTIVES: Evaluation of cost on treatment for dementia in Ukraine by using the method of Transcranial Pulse Stimulation (TPS) in comparison with pharmacotherapy medicines from the group of Means, used for dementia. Memantine.

METHODS: Treatment HTA methods of dementia, costs according to the clinics‘ website, State Register of Medicines of Ukraine and retail price according to the website https://tabletki.ua

RESULTS: The research is performed in two stages: 1. The analysis of dementia cost throughout the year by TPS method in Ukraine and in Germany; 2. The analysis on treatment for dementia costs with memantine hydrochloride according to evidence-based medicine, evaluation of cost рer mоnth.

We analysed the cost for dementia treatment throughout the year by the TPS method in Ukraine in comparison to Germany’s costs. In Germany, 1 session of TPS costs 390 Є, treatment costs 6240 Є per year. In Ukraine, 1 session of TPS costs 307 Є, 4912 Є per year. According to Evidence Based Medicine with such treatment, patients and their relatives record improvement of speech, memory and orientation in space, quality of life.

We analysed the cost of treatment with the memantine hydrochloride drugs per 1 month, because the duration of treatment during the year is individual. Analysis of the pharmaceutical market showed that there are 12 trade names (domestic - 33%, imported - 67%). The cost of treatment with the domestic drug are from 13.6 Є to 22.1 Є for a dose of 10 mg, 10,3 Є for a dose of 20 mg. We have installed that medical treatment costs with imported drugs per month is from 11.3 Є to 115.9 Є, if we used cheapest generics, then the price could be reduced to 10.3 times.

CONCLUSIONS: Estimated of cost on treatment for dementia in Ukraine can be reduced by 90.2% while using the cheapest generics.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria

Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)




Clinical Outcomes, Economic Evaluation, Study Approaches

Topic Subcategory

Comparative Effectiveness or Efficacy, Literature Review & Synthesis


SDC: Geriatrics, SDC: Mental Health (including addition), STA: Generics

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