Cost-Minimization Analysis of Damoctocog Alfa Pegol With the Treatment of Hemophilia A in Turkey


Gürsoy K1, Sarıbal B2, Saylan M2
1Bayer, Ankara, 06, Turkey, 2Bayer, Istanbul, Turkey

Presentation Documents

OBJECTIVES: To compare the lifetime consumption and cost of an extended-half liferecombinant factor VIII (rFVIII), the damoctocog alfa pegol, with reimbursed standard half life (SHL) factors (octocog alfa, moroctocog alfa, turoctocog alfa) for the treatment of haemophilia A (HemA) in patients with age ≥ 12 years in Turkey, from the public payer perspective.

METHODS: In the Turkish setting, a cost-minimization model was developed using Microsoft Excel® 2013 to estimate the lifetime treatment utilization and cost associated with damoctocog alfa pegol versus SHL rFVIII molecules for the treatment of HemA. The summary of product characteristics was used to retrieve dosing regimens for each molecule. National weight and mortality data were used. Drug prices were obtained from Turkish official sources as of May 15, 2022 and discounted by 3% (pa.a)

RESULTS: The matching-adjusted indirect comparison demonstrated similar annualized bleeding rate with lower utilization for damoctocog alfa pegol versus SHL (octocog alfa), supporting the assumption of equivalent efficacy between included treatment options. Damoctocog alfa pegol had the lowest lifetime IU utilization of any available reimbursed rFVIII, and reduced lifetime factor consumption between 16% and 32%. When compared to SHLs, and taking into consideration its premium price per IU over SHLs, damoctocog alfa pegol generated lifetime cost savings of 1.95 million TL to 4.65 million TL per patient, with overall saving ranging from 8% to 19%. As a result, damoctocog alfa pegol was estimated to be the least expensive option

CONCLUSIONS: From the perspective of the public payer, damoctocog alfa pegol demonstrated good efficacy while being the lowest cost-generating option for the treatment of HemA patients in Turkey, when compared to existing reimbursed SHLs.

Conference/Value in Health Info

2022-11, ISPOR Europe 2022, Vienna, Austria

Value in Health, Volume 25, Issue 12S (December 2022)




Economic Evaluation

Topic Subcategory

Cost-comparison, Effectiveness, Utility, Benefit Analysis


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