When and How Can Health-Preference Measures Be Transferred Between Contexts?
Moderator: Kevin Patrick Marsh, PhD, Evidera, London, UK
Speakers: Bram Roudijk, PhD, EuroQol Research Foundation, Rotterdam, ZH, Netherlands; Reed Johnson, PhD, Duke Clinical Research Institute, Durham, NC, USA; Nicolas Krucien, PhD, Evidera, London, UK; G. Ardine de Wit, PhD, UMC Utrecht, Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, Utrecht, Netherlands
Presentation Documents
Quantitative preference data are playing an increasing role in healthcare decision making, including patient preferences in quantitative benefit-risk assessments and public preferences in economic evaluation. However, the cost and time requirements of collecting preference data are barriers when resources are limited, regulatory deadlines are short, and/or the value of preference information is uncertain. Faced with similar problems in assessing environmental-quality values in the 1980s, economists developed principled strategies for adapting existing preference estimates for new applications. Until recently, the small number and varied designs of health preference studies have limited the ability to assess the transferability of preference estimates between contexts. However, as the evidence base has grown, it is now possible to utilize preference-calibration methods to transfer health-preference estimates. To ensure health economists optimize the use of their data, it will be important to develop guidance on when and how health-preference data can be transferred, how studies should be designed and reported with transferability in mind, and how the validity and reliability of transfers can be assessed. To facilitate discussion on this important topic, the forum will be organised into four parts. First, we will identify the state of the art of benefit-transfer methods in environmental economics, and discuss the lessons these hold for health economics, including consideration of the similarities and differences between environmental and health valuation. Second, we will consider the empirical evidence on the transferability of health preferences, including the unique insights offered by EuroQol’s 24 EQ-5D-5L country value sets on the transferability of health state values between geographies, and recent research on patterns in the way different patients make benefit-risk trade-offs. Third, we will present IMI PREFER’s recently developed framework on transferring preference data. Finally, we look forward to finding out what you think via polling and Q&A.
Conference/Value in Health Info
2021-11, ISPOR Europe 2021, Copenhagen, Denmark